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WE hear some folks are none too happy with yesterday’s disclosure of the secret meetings in Colorado.


There are few things we enjoy more than pissing off the bad guys so let’s see if we can do so again.     


Two weeks ago Warren Buffet secretly transports Obama to a ‘get together’ at Jon Corzine’s home (MF Global) on Martha’s Vineyard. In attendance and ‘donating’ 25K each to Obama’s ongoing Communist overthrow of the Republic were Geithner, Bernanke, Paulson, the CEO’s of all Major Banks, many many Major Corporations such as American Express, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, etc. and the usual Communist celebrities such as Jane Fonda. Corzine has bought another home on the Swiss/Austrian border near Dimon’s home there.


You are aware of course that the 1.6B OF CUSTOMERS FUNDS are still missing from MF Global. Corzine, like Soros and Fonda, are Obama’s money raisers and givers.


A few billion here, a few billion there and no one gets prosecuted and everybody gets another mansion.


When these CRIMINAL BANKERS lose billions Bernanke simply inserts the Fed Teat into their mouths and after a quiet time for reflection, charges it to the American people and their children.

Well why not?

Half the people are too stupid to see what’s going on and will again vote for Obama and his Banking Buddies.    


The Banks are receiving every single thing they ask for including, obviously, immunity from prosecution no matter how egregious the crimes. Is it any wonder they are showering Obama with money?


Perhaps those who insist Obama is not controlled by and in bed with the Banks, the Corporation, the Illuminati and the NWO will grace us with their explanation for the ongoing INSEST amongst Obama and the Financial Criminal Class referenced above and his HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP with the American people..


Our Intel remains as it has always been, Obama says he will not allow our deliveries or our funding.


As an aside, it’s been about six weeks now since the E.T. messages started arriving daily rather than weekly. At that time and many times since we were advised to expect increased sightings and massive arrest.

Their words are beautiful, the results non-existent and their boy Obama is collecting all he can get from the Banking Criminals.


Casper      5-16-12  


p.s. Are you aware? Obama has refused to reinstate the ‘Office of Management and Thrift Supervision’ entity suspended by Bush long ago and needed now more than ever. In other words, says Obama, “there will be no Bank Supervision on my watch”.