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I have not felt up to writing for the last five weeks and still don’t as OUR Intel never agrees with those who constantly say “now, today, tomorrow, before the end of the week” and reporting negative news is no fun.


Neither does our Intel ever agree with the constant flow of ‘Obama is the good guy’ messages. As you well know we have tracked his activities for three or four years on virtually a daily basis and as far as we are concerned our evidence against his being ‘a good guy’ is so massive, so overwhelming, so indisputable and involves contributions from so many sources we cannot but question the integrity and legitimacy of anyone who claims he is anything other than anti-America, anti-Constitution and anti-‘Our Business’.


Regarding the peripheral subject of the IQD RV it is as we repeatedly reported, the tail cannot wag the dog, its timing, if it happens at all, is at the mercy of ‘our business’.  


Two weeks ago while Hillary and Geithner were in China our sources there said they were once again busy with their ‘SELLOUT’ of America (we previously reported eminent domain, Fed Bldgs, Nat’l Parks, Wetlands, Ports, etc..


Who do they work for?

After their return it was announced (and has subsequently occurred) that China is now allowed to purchase U.S. Banks.


Meanwhile it is now all over the net that the biggest bank in the world, HSBC, is a full blown Criminal Enterprise as portrayed by more than a thousand documents provided by a whistleblowing insider. What is Obama’s Justice Dept. doing about it?


The reason for this update which I had no intention of writing before receiving a call this afternoon, is as follows:


After Jamie Diamonds JPM/CHASE announcement of a two billion dollar loss late last week (our Intel says 18/20 Billion) he then “invites” many important “guest” to his digs in Colorado over the weekend.


WHO you ask? 


Geithner, Paulson, Bernanke, Big time Bankers, TWO PLANE LOADS OF “GUESTS”.


Today we hear Bank Auditors, recently busy inside JPM/CHASE, are insisting their findings be presented directly to Congress. Imagine that, silly auditors not realizing the Banks own Obama, Holder and the Government.


Casper,    5-14-12