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In response to our 3-15-12 update we received through RMN a series of comments “From China”. That resulted in an exchange of correspondence and Q & A which has since been posted on both web-sites. This is our ‘seat of the pants’ analysis of that exchange.


·         The exchange was initiated by the author who signed himself ‘from China’.


·         He appears to be American rather than Chinese and not part of the Chinese Gov’t. as WE originally thought.


·         He answered some questions but could not answer others leaving us wondering whether he is actually involved in getting our deal/the worlds deal, done.


·         “No disbursements in Fiat Funds” was included in his original letter. In the Q&A he says Iraq will drop three digits from its currency and this R.V. will be simultaneous with the R.V. of many countries. He says he has no dates.


·         He points out that China is already on a Gold Standard, a fact often over looked, at least by me.


·         There are several vignettes regarding China and the Chinese Gov’t. providing insights worth noting.


·         To several questions WE viewed as the most important, he answered saying ‘he has no personal knowledge’. This included our request to verify certain things WE have reported over the years such as missiles to China, eminent domain offered by Hillary, etc..


·         He could not confirm that our true Treasury Department (Documents, Funds, etc.) had been moved to China ‘for safe keeping’ in the 1920’s as some researchers contend.


·         He seems to confirm several of our previous updates which said that China had turned down several offers from Obama and Clinton ‘for pragmatic reasons’. In his original letter he seems to confirm our previous updates saying that other Chinese Leaders may have entered into ‘arrangements’ (my word) with Obama.


·         He says he has no knowledge of the GFL/E.T. messages or messengers and says to his knowledge those establishing the new have had no contact with any E.T.’s…..


·         Our questions about Obama Sabotage were addressed but not answered, IMO. Read the Q & A and judge for yourself.


·         He ‘makes a stab’ at answering the question WE have reported many times as the Most Important Question of all, that being “who controls the printing press”?  He points out that  ‘Cash in Circulation’ (M-1) is a minor part of the big picture which was measured by (M-3) until the Gov’t. shut that down so the public could no longer measure the amounts of ‘thin air money’ creation, part of their ‘extend and pretend’ formula,, much like falsifying the unemployment numbers, inflation numbers, etc… He says neither China or others can stop their (U.S./Fed Res & Corporate Treasury) production of E-Currency (funny money) which confirms what WE have been saying for two or more years, there is an all-out effort to prop up the Fiat System with funny money and debt rollover’s, it has not stopped, in fact it has been increased and now all Western Central Banks are participating in many forms of Q.E. which they no longer identify as Q.E.. There is no sign or signal that WE can determine that would imply a graceful ‘surrender’ by the Fiat Financial Powers.


·         Speaking of being graceful, notice how he pirouettes around our last question/statement about our own Political Leaders being liars and whores. His answer to this question is important and enlightening.


Unfortunately we are still well short of our intended goal, finding out when or if the good guys will be able to overcome the bad guys, when will the new be able to overcome the old?   


Most messengers ‘sources’ once again had them believing deliveries would be last weekend then Monday, then Tues, then Wed., etc. right on through this weekend. Now they all have a fresh batch of excuses as to why it and the R.V. did not occur and those excuses vary from one messenger to another. WE do not believe any messenger is intentionally lying to you and it may be equally true that their ‘sources’ are not lying either, they are being intentionally miss-led by the bad guys up stairs, they pass down what they are told and everybody ends up disappointed once again including us.


Notice that the GFL messengers are now calling for action by their readers (notifying others of their presence) ‘before they will be able to move forward’ with their many promises. As a serious student of this stuff for 25 years and as a serious student of the status of ‘Our Business’ for 20+ years it seems to me that every time WE learn of ongoing delays due to real life/real world sabotage by such as Obama and/or his many allies in China or at the Fed and/or Treasury there is suddenly a delay in the fulfillment of the GFL promises of ‘action’ and it always seems to fall back on the people needing to do something more to get things going again. Now, ‘From China’ says the builders of the new system have had no E.T. contact. I’m going to leave it at that for now but this subject needs to be further addressed by all of us.


                              Casper   3-17-12    opinion