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Dear ‘From China’,


Thank you for writing. Thank you for caring enough to educate us, especially me. Apologies to Mr. Wen, Mr. Hu and Mr. Xi  for the miss use of their names. Unintentional I assure you. Tell me Sir, in the example of the Chinese National Hero and most wonderful human being Yao Ming, is his given name Ming and his last name Yao?


Sir, it is not often an anonymous American gets to correspond publically with a well-informed anonymous China Person about a subject of such vital importance as this, in full view of untold numbers of interested international readers. I do hope you will consider continuing our dialog by offering your opinions and/or your knowledge about the following:


Regarding the last sentence of your e-mail to casper via RMN in which you confirm ‘no disbursements in Fiat Funds’, can you also confirm that the rumored revaluation of the IQD was and is a scam instigated by ‘the bad guys’ for the purpose of recapitalizing their Fiat Financial Playpen? Is it safe to say this will not be allowed?  As you probably know WE have been at this amateur hour pursuit of Intel for well over a decade and it is most important to us that we report accurately to a very large audience.


Sir, regarding the produced in America television commercial showing a distinguished China Man addressing a class room of Chinese Students and ending with the words “and now the Americans work for us” as the students laugh, in your opinion is this an accurate portrayal of America after the blowup (devaluation) of the Dollar?


Sir, in your opinion will historical America and its Constitution and its Sovereignty survive the fall of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES and is it essentially true that much of Historical America such as its Treasury Department was lodged with China for safe keeping many decades ago?


Sir, is it true or false that Patriot Missiles and/or military hardware have been given to China by the current American Administration and true or false that Secretary of State Clinton on behalf of the Administration offered China eminent domain over our National Parks and Federal Buildings?  Did China accept any such offer?


Sir, regarding the recent dramatic worldwide increase in messages supposedly from the GFL and it’s (our) allies, in your opinion, are these messages real or is it an attempt to manipulate our people? Do you think I am nuts for asking you such a question?


Sir, how much longer will it take to defeat the bad guys? Is Obama the bad guy Con Artist WE have been reporting to our readers for many years or are WE totally off base? Is he true that he is responsible for untold numbers of delays as WE have reported to our readers over the last three years?


Sir, who has control of the FED RES/Corporate Treasury ‘Printing Press’ (figure of speech)?


Sir, our Political Leaders are, by in large, Liars and Whores. WE THE PEOPLE can no longer trust what they tell us. We are desperate for truth. WE hear there are many in your country, especially among the families but also elements of the Gov’t. itself,  who are pursuing a continuation of the status quo in partnership with Obama. Can you confirm?


Sir, I didn’t intend to ask this many questions but my fingers have a mind of their own. Huge numbers of people would be most grateful for your answers and any other comments you care to make. Can you say anything at all in this public forum about yourself?


Sir, I am throwing my other 75 questions in the trash until such time as you give me the okay to ask them.


Thanks again for writing. Thanks again for the education.


                 Casper   3-16-12