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From: NR
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 9:30 AM
Subject: Re for CASPER
Dear Patrick,
please be so kind to forward this reply to CASPER!

Feel free to post it if you think it maybe of public interest.

The added file is broken in two parts because you would not get it otherwise because of the CENSORED net!
Please send this file as is to CASPER. To open it, copy all attached files into a folder and doble click the filebreaker.exe (nead not be installed, is a DOS programme). Then select 'Assemble Files' and choose the .inf file.
The document in the attachment is my notice to the attorneys of the State of Austria and the Minister of Justice, Mrs. Bandion-Ortner in Vienna against the Government of Austria in the function of my own postmaster because of:

1.  Hochverrat und Betrug am österreichischen Souverän durch vorsätzliche Herbeiführung des    Staatsbankrotts sowie Privatbankrotts in multiplen Fällen

 (High treason and fraud against the People of Austria by creating bankruptcy of the State and

 private bankruptcy in multiple cases by intent)

2.  Betrug am österreichischen Souverän durch Errichtung und das Betreiben eines Netzwerks von als    geheim eingestuften Privatunternehmen mit den Namen öffentlicher Einrichtungen und Behörden.

 (Fraud against the People of Austria by creating a network of secret private companies  with the   names of public entities and offices)

3.  Hochverrat durch Übertragung von hoheitlichen Aufgaben an Privatunternehmen

 (High treason by delegating sovereign duties to private companies)

4.  Beihilfe zu schwerem gewerbsmässigem Betrug an physischen und juristischen Personen der Republik   Österreich sowie Dritter durch Nichtanwendung bestehender Gesetze im Bereich des Geldwesens.

 (Aiding and abetting professional fraud against physical persons and companies of the Republic of

 Austria and others by no exercising existing laws in the sector of money)

Thanks - NR



in your opinion peace 1-28-11 you stated:
'Judging from what WE see on the net and what others report it is obvious, at least to us, that WE know a hell of a lot more than most but it is equally true that the ‘clampdown’, the ‘blackout’, the miss/dis direction ‘Company Line’ put forth daily by cooperating Governments make things ever more difficult to sort.'

IMHO I underline this statement - both parts, the first one and especially the second one!

I always appreciate your intel as well as your opinion, but as long as I read your updates -some years now- I always missed one point, thus allow me one question: How would you act if you'd walk in the President's shoes?
The pic that comes to my mind when I see YOU walking this path with my third eye is one that shows me CASPER jumping into a coffin by the first step on his way, not only surviving the inauguration day!
Some time ago we had a private conversation via Patrick where I mentioned Obama's triple minded game. Of course I've no doubt about your honest intent and the truth of your observations, but I'm in doubt of some of your conclusions!
In the first place is what you call the 'battle' for delivery of the packs - right? But did you ever think about the fact that their is some synchronicity necessary and that some other things must be in place BEFORE the right time has arrived to let this happen? Is the time right as long as one of the cabal with the ability to manipulate the accounts of the recipients is in office?
At second: Are you sure you could handle this stuff in its whole complexity without some allies? Of course in China as well as in Russia are different fractions fighting the same battle like Obama, but didn't ever the conclusion come to your mind that it makes sense to cooperate and unite with the like minded fraction in these countries, facing the same problems?
IF this makes sense to you we come to the next question: What's the big game behind the curtain? IMHO this is the key question! I've the impression that you confuse times and again the United States of America with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation! US treasury is actually NOT the Treasury of the People of the United States of America but the Treasury of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! Unfortunately the second OWNES the first one, owned by the Vatican! So what's the logic way? It is to bankrupt the Corporation! NOT the People own the Corporation but the Corporation OWNS the People and the soil! That's why the people loose NOTHING because they own nothing at the time, not only their 'own soil'! BTW like the People of Europe, but the way in Europe is a bit different.
And what's going on now in the USA, what's the most important thing? To drain as much money as possible from the closed circle US Treasury - FED! The FED is printing worthless money to buy worthless treasury instruments - a fair exchange, isn't it? But what's the matter if huge sums are drained away from Treasury - no matter who gets it in the first place? The applecart will hit the wall! Hhmm - can you imagine a better time to release the packs?
And now we should discuss the question: who shall get the drained money? Do you have in mind the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols? An intelligent way to make money - but for what's purpose? To inject it into US Treasury - wait a bit - in which Treasury now? The intent of Reagan was the Treasury of the UNITED STATES OF AMERIKA! But is this the right one? Hell NO! The Treasury of the United States of America is the right one! Maybe this is the reason why Obama blocks these funds by now? Who could be a trustworthy recipient of drained funds from US Treasury NOW? Whom can you trust more than yourself and your allies by keeping your face to the cabale?
IF it is the same intent as Reagan's, what I don't know but see some strong hints in this direction, to redirect as much as possible from the old, fraudulent system to the new one - the Treasury of The United States of America to be created - it is a necessity to store this funds some where. Unfortunately worldwide exists only one system at the time - the fraudulent one, except Cuba, North Chorea or Kenya what seams no good options at all! And where is the best place to hide? Maybe in the centre - the Vatican, no matter in who's name, the own one, the family's or some allies? Maybe it is a speculation what domino will fall in the first place? I'd bat a lot that the Vatican will NOT be the first one, but will be accountable for HIS Corporation, thus the second one!!! Maybe it could be the wiser not to seize ALL 'black' accounts but only to lock some?
The old ways, walked for hundreds of years if not for millennia, don't work anymore and new ones can't be judged by old rules. Last not least, of course, every change is confusing and some times painful, the more confusing because the new ways in the USA are necessarily different from the ways in Europe, Asia or Africa. Simply because the history and the situation are different! But they have something common: they are new ones and will serve to rich the same goal - to unite and crash the old applecart, serving the cabal, on the wall! It's crystal clear that there will be some apples damaged but it will be the first time in history that the apples are OUR ones and can't be stolen by the cabal anymore if their CART is broken once and for ever! So let me repeat my question: What way would YOU walk if the shoes of the President where yours?

Sincerely - NR


ps.: The added file may give you a hint about your observations of the activities of Otto Habsburg in the fall of 2010 and the involvement of the Austrian Government in NY and why I KNOW your observations are right but in doubt of your conclusions - there are more jobs to be done! Take a look at the charts and you will see a strong increase of the € against the US$ on Monday, Sept. 13th - coincidence or got the right people the proper info and acted instantly? BTW: The Chinese are buying Portuguese, Greece and Spanish Treasury instruments all of a sudden and Putin mentioned a free trade zone and a COMMON currency from Lisbon to Vladivostok when he visited Merkel in November? Russia is now associated with NATO? Did you miss this development in Europe in the LAST MONTH or is there some change visible?

----- Original Message -----
From :  Casper
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 10:47 PM
Subject:  For "NR" via Mr Bellringer

Thanks for writing again ‘NR’. As before, you make me think. So many subjects raised I hardly know where to begin this answer. Let’s start with my inability to open the files you sent. So I enlisted some help from a very savvy computer oriented friend. She had no luck either so I am answering without having read the attachments.


I readily admit NR that I am not qualified to argue or judge the geo-political issues you raise, but I am not bashful about offering an ‘opinion’ based on Intell gained from others around the world. In this regard I miss the STORY UPDATES as he did appear to have a vast knowledge of the larger political picture and history as well.


As I recall our previous correspondence it revolved around the possible and perhaps necessary ‘triple mindedness of Obama’ and that seems to be your ongoing view of things. A week after he was elected I wrote an opinion piece saying ‘the very best thing that could happen for our country would be if Obama turns out to be a White Hat, that our country is long overdue for a minority president”. I meant those words at the time and it was only after the evidence continued to mount against that possibility that I began to report, often in great detail, those things which eliminated that prospect in my mind and that of my allies. You see NR, WE do not report the same events over and over again with word changes or a new ‘slant’ on old news. WE KNOW what Obama has done, has said, has threatened and the dozens of separate times he has done so.. Not all of it of course but what WE have reported, dozens of specific examples, was not speculation and his actions left no room for interpretation, at least not in our minds or the minds of sources around the world who have had to contend with his words, his actions and his threats.  I must also readily admit that I am not a professional intell type of person and have a difficult time with double much less triple mindedness. I can be fooled by such people I suspect. This is not true of those who help with ‘the Casper Updates’. I can’t go into specifics except to say they are qualified to ‘play the game’ at the highest levels and have been doing so for quite a long time now. Moreover, because I have been ‘chasing the truth’ for more than 18 years I have developed contacts in all walks of life related to ‘our business’. This helps us to know what is going on in a dozen related places all at once and makes it difficult for the ‘bad guys’ to keep us fooled for very long. That said, there are so many ‘conspiracies’ afoot, so many things pulling and tugging in different directions WE know that ‘we don’t know everything’. But we KNOW a great deal. Obama’s attempts to steal all funds for example. Many of those who have assisted him such as The Pentagon, Bill Gates and his merry bands of hackers, various factions in China and Merkle and the Queen and the Vatican. Failing in that effort ‘they’ turned to the use of the funds as collateral in trade attempts. WE know who instigated those attempts and who has blocked them hundreds of times. Our allies have been kidnapped, treatment reserved for VIP’s. Then we have all the thefts of Treasury Funds and bribes to Chinese Govt Officials and most if not all of the Politburo members. That’s a novel idea you have, that Obama, his wife, his mother-in-law, his children, the Chinese and some 700 American politicians are acting as ‘depositories’ for draining funds from Treasury. And Supreme Court Judges, and Federal Judges and on and on the list goes in accounts all over the world. I mention these things, and could mention many many more, dozens more, which lead US to the inescapable and sad conclusion that Obama is a pawn of the Illuminati. Perhaps you have another novel explanation for his unwillingness to produce a birth certificate, spending millions to keep it suppressed? The man was born in Kenya as stated on International Television during the first week or so of his Presidency by his half sister and grand mother who said, not knowing any better at the time, that they were present at his birth in Kenya. And now his Kenyan Birth Certificate, signed by the doctor, is readily available on the net. And the Supreme Court knows this and is with holding the proof and their own rulings in this regard from the American people, also the World Court. How can you excuse these things if in fact you are aware of these things? Either we have a Constitution or we don’t. As matters stand now it remains in suspension until announced otherwise.


By discussing the Republics Treasury and the Corporations Treasury you indicate that you are aware of the domestic political issues running in parallel with the Global Settlements Issues. Are you aware of the dozens of postings by our ally “S” and the dozens of Casper updates devoted to these subjects? Most are in the archives at Fourwinds. Although our updates seem to have taken on a life of their own they were begun for and written for ‘Program Participants’ who know well the thousands of hours invested in bringing the American People to speed on these issues including the actual in depth ‘legalities’ involved, the laws passed, the laws revoked, the E.O’s issued and the ‘Emergency Declarations’ used in the ‘takeover’ of the Republic by the moneyed elite. So much effort went into the writing and the posting of these things. If you doubt our familiarity with these subjects please read the “S’ and Casper archives going back years ago.

 Let’s see now NR, what’s next. What would I have done as President? I am not qualified and make no pretense. My OPINION is that I would have allowed the Big Banks and the GSE’s to fail. I would have immediately reinstated Glass Stegall and I would have prosecuted the Wall Street Crowd which got rich at the expense of the people. A different set of problems to be sure but saving ‘The Illuminati Bankers’ by adding Trillions to the DEBT was worse than no solution. The innocent Regional Banks would have picked up the pieces and we would have had a solid foundation on which to build. Capitalism would have been allowed to work and the Principals and Values upon which America had been constructed would have remained intact. Instead, that America is long gone, The Country is in the hands of the Corporate Criminals and their bought and paid for Political Pawns and that includes the White House. As President I would not be threatening the lives of program recipients or the carriers. I would not be initiating Laws which are unconstitutional on their face (ObamaCare). I would not be working to establish a Police State in America. I would not have appointed avowed Communist as Czars in my administration. I would not have demanded the passage of several 2000 page Laws with no opportunity to read them in advance of the votes. Shall I go on? And on? And on? Are you aware that Obama was always ranked the most ‘far left’ Liberal in the Senate during his time there? That’s what he brought to the White House as he demanded and got one new Law after another against the wishes of the majority of the American people. His policies have brought our country ‘to the brink’ in so many ways. I am not qualified-- and neither is he. But if I found myself there accidentally, there is virtually nothing I would do the same as Obama. Does this answer your question?

The “NEW”, which you also appear to be aware of is no longer dependent, as I understand things, and has not been dependent for quite some time, on what you refer to as a ‘synchronicity of events’. The needed ‘preambles’ were ready time and time again and only deliveries were needed to ‘kick things off’. Those deliveries have been stopped dozens of times by Obama and those working with him. There is no question about this. WE have the Intell from the Countries involved, from allies in China, from the trustee’s, from the Banks, even from the Carriers themselves. Were it not for all these individual pieces of knowledge built up over a long period of time I might wonder about your views summarized as ‘Obama’s Triple Mindedness’. As it is WE have no doubt about our Intell or our conclusions. If I were on ‘your side of the fence’ at this late hour regarding Obama, desiring to argue for him instead of against, the only tact I see available is the possible argument that a continuation of the Government/Fed Res Fiat Partnership is somehow in the best interest of the country. A lousy argument to be sure but in my view better than the ‘triple mindedmess’ you have offered.

 Speaking of the Corporation and its Treasury Department, I wonder if you are aware that the funds moved from Treasury into all those hidden accounts were moved by Geithner and John Roberts working for Obama?

 The “Battle”  you ask about does most certainly revolve around the delivery of the packs, not because it makes a handful wealthy but because the delivery represents the first domino falling which culminates, I pray, with the defeat of the Corporation and retrieval of the Republic and the Constitution. And the ‘exposure’ of who did what to destroy our once great country including their secret Vatican and Swiss Bank Accounts. I’m not after hangings, tar and feathers will satisfy me. If there exist unseen justification for what these criminals have done let them ‘take the stand’ and explain their actions to the people.

 Again NR, I appreciate your letter. I have again considered your opinions as if I had never heard them before. It seems to me you are struggling mightily to excuse behavior which is inexcusable. I simply can not agree with your observations which are’ wishful thinking’ in my opinion. There is just too much evidence, too much evidence. My admitted weaknesses in the areas mentioned above does not take away from what WE KNOW about Obama’s words and actions. But I repeat what I said a year ago (has it been that long)? If you are right and I am wrong I will return to this keyboard and eat humble pie until I make both of us sick.  

                                        Casper  1-31-11

 #1 Reply
----- Original Message -----
From: GTG
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 10:16 PM
Subject: Battle of Wits - NR & casper -

Monday, January 31, 2011


I give ‘casper’ the win over the ‘Battle of Wits’ without any doubt!

This is how I used this to teach & remind my Teamplayers as follows:

The conclusion after reading and discerning the following:


1.      The “Battle”  you ask about does most certainly revolve around the delivery of the packs, not because it makes a handful wealthy but because the delivery represents the first domino falling which culminates, I pray, with the defeat of the Corporation and retrieval of the Republic and the Constitution.

2.      And the ‘exposure’ of who did what to destroy our once great country including their secret Vatican and Swiss Bank Accounts.

3.      I’m not after hangings, tar and feathers will satisfy me

4.      If there exist unseen justification for what these criminals have done let them ‘take the stand’ and explain their actions to the people.

 Again NR, I appreciate your letter. I have again considered your opinions as if I had never heard them before. It seems to me you are struggling mightily to excuse behavior which is inexcusable. I simply can not agree with your observations which are’ wishful thinking’ in my opinion. There is just too much evidence, too much evidence. My admitted weaknesses in the areas mentioned above does not take away from what WE KNOW about Obama’s words and actions. But I repeat what I said a year ago (has it been that long)? If you are right and I am wrong I will return to this keyboard and eat humble pie until I make both of us sick.

                                        Casper  1-31-11

Now, if anyone wants to discern the onset to end of this ‘Battle of Wits’. . . . have at it! I give ‘casper’ the win of the ‘Battle of Wits’ without any doubt! G. Gulick


Connecting dots to dots to dots to dots is well followed by casper. If one is a 'dear reader' in the dark, those people do not have a clue. I notice casper is 18 years and I have followed Daily Briefs since 2005. That's why 'casper' clearly made it clear to mention. . . . .

·         You see NR, WE do not report the same events over and over again with word changes or a new ‘slant’ on old news.

·         WE KNOW what Obama has done, has said, has threatened and the dozens of separate times he has done so.. Not all of it of course but what WE have reported, dozens of specific examples, was not speculation and his actions left no room for interpretation, at least not in our minds or the minds of sources around the world who have had to contend with his words, his actions and his threats.  

·         I must also readily admit that I am not a professional intel type of person and have a difficult time with double much less triple mindedness.

·         I can be fooled by such people I suspect.

·         This is not true of those who help with ‘the Casper Updates’. I can’t go into specifics except to say they are qualified to ‘play the game’ at the highest levels and have been doing so for quite a long time now.

·          Moreover, because I have been ‘chasing the truth’ for more than 18 years I have developed contacts in all walks of life related to ‘our business’.

·         This helps us to know what is going on in a dozen related places all at once and makes it difficult for the ‘bad guys’ to keep us fooled for very long.

·         That said, there are so many ‘conspiracies’ afoot, so many things pulling and tugging in different directions WE know that ‘we don’t know everything’. But we KNOW a great deal. Obama’s attempts to steal all funds for example.

In closing. . . . 'casper' won my heart when he wrote . . . . . .


·         I mention these things, and could mention many many more, dozens more, which lead US to the inescapable and sad conclusion that Obama is a pawn of the Illuminati.


Thank you for laying the 'behind the scenes' happenings for us to read and discern. I really must go! Enjoyed our visit via e-mail. We build with history and like-minded relationships too! It works! Still, we have to pause for a 'Battle of Wits" with some also!




#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 9:48 PM
Subject: RE: Casper Vs NR
Greetings Patrick and Anne,
Here is my take on the lengthy discussion between Casper and NR...
"By their DEEDS ye shall know them..." (read DEEDS, not empty words...)
In relation to Obama and all else...what more do we have to go on, for REAL? If the Obama-man...can... pull off a Coup of Light...he can be my special guest...but until that happenstance, i suspend all judgement....except to OBSERVE the LONG list of inequities brought forth by Casper...
Quite honestly. these ones who still view this man as their New Age Saviour...they must either be blind-folded to the actual DEEDS, or blind-sided by some unseen force of ??? What? Is it? Blind HOPE, perhaps?
Really. I have to be a little more pragmatic in what I in the DEEDS.
I know, I know...we must keep Visioning what we want, cuz we ARE creating it. But folks, really...if what we SEE is what we get, then we have a little more work to the Obama visioning department.
 Until then, i would suggest everyone pull their heads out of that dark nether region and notice the DEEDS...HERE is where you "SHALL KNOW THEM"
Love and Light, D