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* The Pilots have been 'retrieved'.
* A new 'heads up' for you as a result.
* Our 'TOMB RAIDERS' have been especially busy today (you remember them from previous updates don't you) and have located lots and lots of 'candy' in a dozen or so newly uncovered 'tombs'.
* Obama returned with a plane load of 'white powder' for delivery to Chicago. It has been 'confiscated' (not baking powder for Sara Lee).
* Obama is pulling his hair out of his butt and his head at the same time not knowing what to do next.
* New 'responsibilities' have been laid upon JAG. WE wait to see what they will do.
* Obama's 'World Leadership', to the extent it ever existed, is over with. He is now viewed by all World Leaders as a Liar, a Thief and a Con-Artist Extraordinaire, something WE have been reporting forever.
* 'Heads up'.
casper 11-15-10 #3