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By now you have noticed that the e-mails leaked from London basically admitting and exposing Manmade Global Warming to be a FRAUD has had no affect on the Second Major Gathering of The New World Government in Copenhagen this week and next (The first was the recent G-20 meeting). Nothing will be allowed to interfere with the establishment of their World Government or it's source of financing, International United Nations Taxation collected via Cap and Trade Taxes on Corporations which will pass the taxes down to the public from the point of production. Just as the news, suppressed by the MSM, that the earths temperature has fallen ten years in a row makes no difference to them as "Climate Change" is not the point, International Taxation to finance World Government is.
The same thing is happening here at home as it is the same group, led by the Democratic Political Party, which is implementing Socialist Policies at breakneck speed as they, the Government, takes over vast swaths of our Country's Economy as fast as possible not even caring if they are re-elected. Do you think they are unaware the vast majority of Americans want no part of Nationalized Healthcare? They are spitting in our collective eyes saying "who cares what you want or think". It's all part of the plan as is the FED providing 'free money' to their controlled banks which then use it to buy Treasuries while the FED itself, using money created from "thin air", mops up toxic derivatives of all shapes and sizes on Wall Street and in the banks then passes the debts incurred to make their banking buddies whole onto the backs of generations of taxpayers.
These are scams from start to finish. There is not a whiff of honesty in any of it. Underlying these major scams are dozens of smaller Socialist/Communist programs being implemented during this "once in a lifetime moment" when the Democrats control the House, the White House and a super majority in the Senate. The American free enterprise system (Capitalism) is being intentionally destroyed before your eyes each day. When they complete the bills they already have underway the Government will have the Economy and therefore the people under its thumb. It will not be possible to recover. As the Bailout expenses are laid upon the people, as mandatory health insurance premiums of $7000./annually are forcibly taken from you (Married, $44,000 annual income), as your utility bills are increased several hundred dollars per month and all the lesser less visible Trillions of Debt are laid upon your heads you and your children will become "wards of the state" which is their goal and their intention. Not the "Welfare State" we became before that was reversed over two decades, but a welfare world with the U.S. having been brought to its knees by Communist implementing Communist Policies under the guise of "change".
Four Hundred and Eighty Five Billion Dollars is to be taken from Medicare to finance their Government Run Obama/Pelosi/Reid Health care plan. $485,000,000,000.. If you don't understand what this means ask your mother as she surely does know. $15,000. Annual MANDATORY Insurance Premiums if your household income is $100.K/year. Provide proof of compliance with your annual tax return or be charged with a FELONY. WHY? To grow the greatest Government Bureaucracy in the history of the world. Bigger than the budgets of most Governments of the world. Are you aware that Healthcare is the route HITLER used to take over Germany? That NAZISM was/is Socialism? These people are not Americans, they just happen to live here. They are MARTIANS. COMMUNIST MARTIANS. On top of this Businesses are required to contribute 8% of their payroll annually. What do you think this will do to the millions of small businesses barely weathering the recession? This 2100 page monstrosity is about as anti-american as it gets.
Monthly increases in household utility bills from Cap and Trade Taxes are now estimated at $300. to $500 per month depending on which politician is running his mouth. Remember the pledge, the little people will suffer no new taxes. I guess it depends on what the definition of is is. You may feel helpless but if you will just pick up the phone and tell your Senator you will not support his re-election it might make all the difference in the world. They can afford many losses in the House, not so in the Senate.
The Republicans attempted to "privatize" everything as quickly as possible discarding essential supervision and regulation along the way. Now the pendulum has swung to the equal and opposite extreme which is 'CONTROL'. Control by a liberal elite who have always believed they are best suited to make the decisions and we peasants should be grateful they are willing to be daddy and mommy and big brother all at once. Passing these irrevocable Government Programs are more important to them than re-election as their "jobs" are small change in view of the Trillions they will then control and be able to dish out as they see fit.
Perhaps you think casper is against health care for the poor or is unconcerned about immigrants, especially illegal immigrants. Not true, I just don't think Government Bureaucracies are the answer to anything and there are dozens of examples which testify to this view. They screw up everything they touch, that has always been true and it is virtually impossible to get rid of a Government Program even after decades of failure. One of my visions is a program of sister immigration facilities on each side of our southern border in many border cities. The individuals coming into the U.S. would first be dealt with in the Mexico facility with background checks, appropriate papers, basic knowledge and understanding of U.S. life and the opportunities available to him/her after which he/she would be LEGALLY transported to the U.S. sister facility where matching with available jobs and destinations takes place to the extent possible and proper clothing, knowledge of U.S. laws and culture and what sign means what is conveyed, briefly of course, and papers issued, and help line numbers in major cities provided and more. Have you ever seen a Mexican who swam the river standing on a freezing street corner in a tee shirt hoping the next pick-up driver will have some work for him? This is not necessary. Dying of thirst in the Arizona Desert is not necessary. We should view our friends to the South, Economically Speaking, as our little brothers and sisters and we should provide the kind of help that shares the American Dream and lessens the chance they need to steal to eat. How much do you actually know about the trials and tribulations of the less fortunate in this country? Government Bureaucracies create never ending taxation to pay themselves not solutions to problems. Remember Katrina? The American people gave the Red Cross Five Hundred Million Dollars to help the victims. They gave $100.M to the victims and pocketed $400.M. Their President resigned in disgust, the fifth such resignation from that position in seven years. What the big charities do is nothing, absolutely nothing compared to what the Government does with your money. Remember the $20. screws, $200. dollar hammers, $800. dollar toilet seats? This is not abnormal, this is not the exception. This is SOP (standard operating procedure) in all areas of Government. Of the two extremes, excessive privatization vs. Government control privatization is far less abusive and far more easy to correct. Once these Socialist/Communist have themselves solidified in place by law it will no longer matter who gets elected.
I am really very tired of writing about this stuff and so very disappointed to learn via this exercise just how uninformed the average American is today. We have been intentionally "dumbed down" to such an extent I fear we will never recover. Their in-house publications (Illuminati) served notice long ago that this was exactly what they intended to do. Decisions were made decades ago. Since it would not be possible to bring the world up to U.S. living standards the U.S. would be intentionally lowered to the standards of the world. That's what drugs and sex and violence and "tolerance" and banning prayer and lowering education standards and so forth is all about. In their Communist NWO you simply can not have such inequality among the participants. Everyone must be lowered to the lowest common denominator.
There is a NWO, World Government steamroller coming straight at American Citizens and The Democratic Party are their domestic representatives. Most folks don't know and don't care. In the beginning 3%, 3% of the population, saved our nation and declared it's independence. I wonder if we could muster 3% today?
Heads up for deliveries tomorrow.
casper 12-07-09 #2