- Delivering Truth Around the World
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There have been many bits and pieces of Intel since Sunday all pointing to delivery today, Tuesday. Much of it has been viewed as reliable causing us to conclude deliveries really were once again scheduled for today. Certain folks were moving into place to be ready to do certain things. Banks and Countries had reportedly become compliant and "ready". Last minute "FINAL" warnings were reportedly given where needed. All normal/regular sources had concluded, independent of each other THIS IS THE DAY with Announcements tonight.
This morning WE were advised that Obama had disregarded the warnings and again pulled the trigger pks back to D.C. after they had gone out yesterday.

Late morning news said he was being dealt with and the packs were or soon would be "on the road again" as WILLIE would say, and would be delivered tonight.

Several reports from sources unrelated to each other described in some detail actions of a severe nature being taken against Obama and perhaps Merkle who was in the Oval Office this morning. Intell from Europe said Bush Senior was not having a good day either. Supposedly the World would move forward without the U.S. if deliveries were not well underway by 10 p.m. tonight.
Meanwhile, on other fronts, WE also hear China has dumped its partnership with Obama and that there may well be arrests taking place in various places.
Notice that Gold is up more than $50. 00 0Z yesterday and today.
Early evening all is quiet and it smells like a storm may be coming.
WE have not located the packs in D.C. and assume they are still out.
WE await further news.
                 casper   11-3-09