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Tonight (Tuesday) the "cover" we need appeared on Fox News Financial Channel.
It is my idea, what I have been thinking about, but put forth tonight by Kristina Rasmussen of the National Taxpayers Union so I can stop worrying I will suffer the fate of "S"'s wife if I say it out loud. It boils down to "shutting down the switchboards in Washington D.C.".
We The People can't afford to travel. It's the holiday season. Something must be done to overcome these criminals. WE can tie up their phone lines. We can tie them up so completely they can't call home. Think about it. Who will gather and send to FOURWINDS all the available numbers in D.C.? Every department. Every Senator and Congressman. The Supreme Court. Thousands of us, ten thousand of us, will dial those numbers every day. Some can dial one hundred times a day. Some ten times. The National Taxpayers Union has called for action on nationwide television. Shall we "cooperate".
Lets give them until Friday.
Come Monday lets show them the power of the people. Lets make them communicate on t.v. because their phones don't work. Lets make Congress do its job.
Dog gone it Kristina, this is my idea. Lets' share shall we?
Now think people. Are you willing to recruit two or three others to lighten the load for everyone? Are you willing to do your part PERSONALLY? Will you send to Fourwinds any and every government phone number you can come up with?
If yes, a couple of Mickey Mouse questions will tie up a phone line for several minutes. WE THE PEOPLE CAN BY-PASS EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY and force them to answer;
why are you working for the banks not us?
why are you violating the Constitution every day?
why are you selling out our grandchildren's future?
why can't I get so & so on the phone?
why are all the lines busy?
why was Cheney indicted?
why do you work for these criminals?
why has every dept and agency of the government been incorporated?
why are you holding so many Americans as political prisoners?
how's the weather?
what time is it?
Well what do you say gang? Deliver by Friday ...OR..... WE go dialing for answers?
casper 11-19-08
p.s. Okay gang. We need the numbers for posting.
There have been many postings on the net with hundreds of D.C. government numbers which is a good start if someone can find their copy. We also need cell phone numbers.
This endeavor does not require hand holding by Casper or Fourwinds. Act. The task is simple, lets prepare to begin Monday. Step up. Compiling the numbers is the first step. When posted on Fourwinds everyone can print it out then act individually on their own schedule from their own home using free long distance. Step up. If you have ideas, comments, etc. send to Fourwinds. Do you have auto dialers?
(To download a free auto dialer go to: www.simplesimon.com This autodialer will allow you to dial 3 numbers/lines at one time off of ONE phone line. You can become as annoying as a telemarketing firm....making numerous calls quickly. This system is not hard or confusing...just follow the prompts.)
Will you help implement this plan of action? So many of you have "volunteered" and asked for guidance. Here it is. Will YOU now take the ball and run with it?
Should you be asked "why are you doing this"? The answer is "we are sick and tired of Washington's corruption and we are responding to the televised call for action from The National Taxpayers Union".
Here is the ball. Yonder lies the goalpost. "RUN FORREST RUN. "
casper 11-19-08