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CASPER UPDATE: July 30, 2008
After yesterdays troubles with Ambassadors, Codes etc., deliveries were expected today. At 8.15 p.m. last night BUSH issued an executive order blocking deliveries today. By mid-night that order had supposedly been rescinded under pressure from the World Court and the Supreme Court. Ain't that a hoot, Roberts acting against BUSH yet that is what we hear happened.
This morning we heard from overseas that BUSH tried twice more after midnight to block deliveries. The world court, having already said they had overcome his Executive Order, now admits the later blockage was not overcome.
Of the 15 justices sitting on this United Nations sponsored court six are in Bush's pocket, two ride the fence day to day. Those we know are controlled by BUSH include England, Germany, Japan, France, and two others. Two more (countries unknown) ride the fence. WE hear all the justices are present in the Hague at this time which is unusual. Considering what happened to the Japanese Ambassador and his helpers (they were arrested and taken to Japan simultaneous with the arrest and trip home of the Chinese Ambassador) and what their World Court judge is doing it leaves one wondering exactly what they are up to now and who is pulling their strings. The answer is BUSH.
The schedule for access for all those who have traveled are at the mercy of our deliveries. It goes without saying that all possible pressure is being applied by them and most of the world which awaits their distributions.
As of this afternoon this issue is unsettled. Keep in mind that certain packages must be delivered to trigger announcements. There are goings on in the Supreme Court this afternoon as well. Our news is a few hours behind the curve, the problems may have already been overcome and in any event will be overcome PDQ-pretty damn quick.
casper 7-30-08