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CASPER UPDATE: June 12, 2008
Lets see now,
BUSH to World Court Monday then on to U.S./E.U. summit in Slovenia. Meanwhile Sarkosy meets with Merkle in Germany. Then BUSH to Germany to meet with Merkle then on to Paris to meet with Sarkosy while IRELAND votes yea or nay whether to ratify LISBON which is actually the EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION REDUX. Then BUSH to Italy today to meet with Berlusconi before meeting the POPE at the VATICAN Friday the 13th then on to England and Ireland as STORY holds back his insider Intel so his computer doesn't blow up. Meanwhile corn hits $7.00/bushel for the first time in history and the cow jumps over the moon. Do you reckon something is going on??
No definitive answer regarding release of the SUITCASE or "dealmaking" outcome.
More Trustee work at highest levels which (as usual) we were unaware of until underway and/or after the fact. Work completed we hear.
Several sources still insist all countries REQUIRED to give 25% to WORLD BANK and paperwork with all country's completed to reflect same. WE continue to hear from CHINA and RUSSIA--no way Jose'. This line of Intel says paperwork reworked to REMOVE 25%. Who knows? Da Shadow do but we don't care as all sources say "nothing to do with us or our funds".
Like STORY we are avoiding lots of detail which would make interesting reading but serve no useful purpose. His withheld Intel apparently involves extremely important geo-political intrigue. Our withheld Intel revolves around details of "the deal" which is less important as it will be included in the packages and is no one else's business.
Hang tough friends. Deliveries can occur literally at any moment.
casper 6-12-08