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Casper Update: May 5, 2008
There is no shortage of details, boy are we loaded with details, but discretion and valor and all that. It seems to us the wise thing to do right now is to give what you most want to hear and to avoid discussing anything which might slow things down.
MADAM WU is back in China having been replaced by the "A" Team.
WE hear that SHRUB/BUSH has been dealt with.
Part of that is, GB had given his Power of Attorney to CHENEY who proceeded to cut immunity deals with every Tom, Dick and Harry in D.C..
Can you believe these con artist? Is that not hilarious?
No no no says the World Court and others.
The Pwr.ofAtty. has been cancelled.
Ha ha ha ho ho ho, I can't stop laughing.
The demise of the FED REES and all the other things we have discussed over the years is now at hand.
WE hear that all is well, very well, and we are on go for PDQ (pretty damn quick) likely Tues. worst case Wed..