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Casper Update: April 11, 2008
There was another"release" Monday at 12:30 p.m. that came out of the Court meetings leading us to expect deliveries Tuesday.
There was another "release" Wednesday at 4:25 p.m. leading us to expect deliveries Thursday.
Thursday at 4 p.m. (unknown EST or China time) the last signature was obtained from the "big man" in China leading us to expect deliveries today.
The Supreme Court was in total lockdown Thursday and today due to many "death threats" against the Justices. There were ongoing secret meetings there today involving WANTA.
All personnel there and Treasury and Justice are under extreme threats of "silence or else". The ongoing disclosure of documents has D.C. in a dither and apparently the American people as well. Vast quantities of secret documents are being forwarded to "our guys" many of which are publicly posted on FOURWINDS some of which are not including the CORPORATE BANKRUPTCY documents from 1930 & 1933.
Still another "final" audit was completed Wednesday.
The G-7 finance ministers are meeting in D.C. this weekend. The POPE arrives in D.C. Tuesday. BUSH went to the ranch Thursday.
Dotson is still in the calaboose where they hold him without bond (New Amerika) while trying to locate and steal his money. No luck so far.
Another attempt to steal tax receipts within Treasury this week was discovered and blocked and those responsible dealt with.
FITZ remains an enigma seemingly flip flopping daily.
Bloodhounds are on the loose in Uruguay and Paraguay.
Gates and Trump, who were in some of the meetings, turned tail again and now won't talk to anyone. In their defense Microsoft had issues before the Supreme Court and Trump needs gaming licenses.
WE expect deliveries at any moment, even this weekend. All is in readiness say sources worldwide.
Read Whistleblower and "S" and others on FOURWINDS. Patriots are working so hard to inform you. All you have to do is read.
No more info regarding BUSH/Albanian Mafia except to say the original info now confirmed by half a dozen sources.
Follow the instructions.