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Casper Update: Feb. 12, 2008
D.C. packs went out yesterday (monday) late afternoon.
Supreme Court has decoupled from BUSH and ordered it out.
"We are not going down with your ship". Told BUSH "you are out of it".
We hear BUSH will not be allowed to "walk away" this time.
Our best efforts analysis is Freedom and F.C. today, all else tomorrow.
Mention of McCain and Obama by MOBSTERS as reported yesterday may have been in context that all senators were bribed, not as primary players as first thought.
Anticipated domestic arrest of those covered by foreign orders of "arrest on sight"--which caused BUSH to order them not to fly--are the 1600 D.C. political criminals reported here months ago.
The above is as of noon today pending no further interference from the truly insane occupant of the White House.
casper 2-12-08