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Casper Update: Feb. 8, 2008
The behind the scenes activities of the last several days have been intense and dramatic to say the least.
From the grounding of carrier aircraft in Europe Wednesday after BUSH had pulled the packs back in the night Tuesday, up to and including the dramatic conference call yesterday with BUSH, China, Saudi Arabia, Opec and others, and all the threats and actions in between, the desired outcome has been achieved.
BUSH again "let our people go" (packs) at 7:45 last night EST.
This resulted in the completion of necessary steps in Europe while we slept, then on to China and now back to the U.S. where we expect deliveries to begin late today and to continue right on thru the various levels of delivery without further interruption.
As recently as yesterday morning BUSH was saying "never happen as long as i am president and the next president (McCain he said) will block it also".
That was before he was offered a package of TREASON charges, the denial of landing rights for all COMMERCIAL flights originating in the U.S., the refusal of oil for dollars by OPEC and an OIL EMBARGO against the U.S. by the Saudi's and OPEC.
Then the packages went out via national carriers (and have not been returned this morning).
There is a pecking order for deliveries so don't get bent out of shape if you are not "first".
All will be done very very quickly barring any unforseen circumstances...Begining later today.
60 more bankers were arrested yesterday.
Dotson and "others" (Wanta, STORY??etc.) have been under guard and protected the last two weeks.
Remember please www.givemeliberty.org.
"Follow the instructions", we hear.
Great responsibility is at our doorstep, let us all be worthy.
If anything goes wrong we will update again soon.
If not we all have business to take care of.
Best Regards,