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Casper Update: Jan. 24, 2008
We don't know everything. And there are many things we can't explain.
When changes occur, which happens almost daily, we report them ASAP then return to the work of sifting through disinformation.
We try not to "go out on a limb" with these update's as being wrong is embarrassing and affects our credibility. The rules are not "hard and fast" but generally speaking we have talked to a dozen or more sources before reporting to you or else we clearly state otherwise, i.e. one source says this or one source says that.
Last night ALL sources agreed deliveries would be today. Of course we can't identify sources but as we have said before they are Trustee's, Bankers, Military, Treasury, Attorneys, Brussels, Frankfurt, Asia, etc.,etc.,etc.. When all are on the same page as they have been the last two days we are very comfortable with the information provided to you. Then something else happens, or doesn't happen and we must begin again.
Already this morning we smell a rat.
More trades (4) were attempted overnight and blocked by the good guys. This should have ended with the recent agreements. BUSH is Jeckyll and BUSH is Hyde.
His agreements are always worthless and we cannot explain why our side would continue to accept his word for anything.
In addition, the carrier scheduled to pick up the D.C. packages did not do so indicating further problems with BUSH, the COURT, the CARRIER or all three. OR, there might be a problem of an entirely different nature we have not tapped into yet.
Time and time again we have encountered "steps" we didn't know existed until after the fact. By way of example, if a deal got made to accommodate the State of the Union speech before funding we might not learn of that for two or three days. We have no such information, just giving an example.
It is unfortunate CHRISTOPHER STORY went silent on us. We were often able to use his information as a "crowbar" in our work. One possible scenario which we have alluded to before is massive disinformation on a world scale. And the more times that "fool proof" information results in no deliveries the more possible this scenario becomes. If this is the case and we are caught up in a web of deceit along with the sources mentioned above then we don't know when we will overcome it as we are only as insightful as our sources.
Consider the hundreds of billions being pumped into the extinct system here and abroad. WHY?? Consider the stimulus package. WHY,...if debt forgiveness for the public is on the horizon??
We can't explain these obvious opposites of expectations.
Will report again when we break through the fog.
Casper 1-24-08