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Casper Update: Jan. 21, 2008
T'was the night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
not even a mouse
In anticipation that Santa would soon be there.
And that is the status of things as we understand them.
This morning we received the fourth and fifth confirmations of yesterdays update i.e. IMF legal action against U.S. Supreme Court bust loose the D.C. packages never to return. Mission accomplished.
One unconfirmed report says STORY is alive and well and will update soon.
One updated banking report says all the cards associated with this first "expense package" delivery are safe to activate from home and that there are a number of them. This important source says sit tight and wait for political situation to straighten out or go get your stuff at the bank and take it offshore. . This paragraph is subject to revision.
Afternoon RUMORS say Asia and Europe underway.
The world equity markets have again fallen dramatically today. The poo poo is in the fan. Conspiracy theories abound----economic excuse's for Marshall Law, etc.. SANANDA joins St. GERMAIN in saying it's not coming.
Friends, for tonight, this night, lets stick with twas the night before Christmas. We can't explain the other stuff. Deliveries tomorrow is what we hear and we will be shocked if it does not happen.
casper 1-20-08