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Casper Update: Jan. 16, 2008 (Updated Jan. 16, 2008)
This morning, we hear, Federal and State Bank Examiners are "all over the banks".
The 3T$ reported last night was not a use of our accounts as "collateral" for the trade as has happened so often in the past but rather an actual diversion of our funds (by BUSH & B.A. & CHINA) used to place a 17T$ trade which would have cleared 14T$ for these corrupt banks after the 3T$ was "quietly" returned.
It appears this diversion took place before the codes were changed last Wed. or Thurs., i forget which, and explains how they managed to avoid the new codes and why this is EMBEZZLEMENT and why the examiners are now in the banks.
It's still A.M. and already the "crawfishing" has begun.
News from abroad says the U.S. will not go today after all.
Worse yet, we have just been informed that packs have been returned to the Sup. Court on Orders of RED CHINA in COLLUSION WITH BUSH.
Yesterday we reported that Taxes on our funds had been released to Treasury. This was not supposed to happen prior to our deliveries. These Tax Funds have been escrowed-- some of them for many years, and attempts by the IRS to access these funds have always failed. Any Messenger/Reporter with additional Information/ Intel in this regard is Invited to post this info publicly.
Satan's son has returned to the U.S. (or will this afternoon) and already he has stopped it again. Will provide further info when it becomes available.
casper 1-16-08
Casper 16th 2nd update
I have been "tackled", a sock put in my mouth and wrapped with duct tape.
The bottom line is things look good for tomorrow and thats all i can say.