Casper Reply to Jan. 14, 2008 E-mail
From: Name Withheld
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 1:18 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Mr. Bellringer:
If you agree, please forward this to Casper asap.
Casper: When we go to B of A to receive packets, we feel insecure. Advise please.
Can a financial advisor go along or will this harm the non-disclosure requirements?
I want to take the packet home to read the 50 pages. What if the bank says I have to read it there and make deposits there? I hope to deposit in some other bank but hope not to have to discuss it with the bank.
If pin numbers for the cards are in the packet, when I walk out with the packet I could be held up and the cards with the pin numbers could be stolen.
Could a bank guard walk me to my car? They, too, know that major resources are in the packets.
The story line from the bank will sound like stern policies and we will want to do as told. We may be told that the checks MUST be deposited then and now. This type of conflict will be difficult to handle diplomaticaly. Any advice?
Did you read the bottom of Fourwinds10 item on the 13th - Commercial Banking and...It gives reasons to avoid B of A. Can you restate that argument more clearly?
Thanks ! (Name withheld)
(Reply from Casper, Jan. 14, 2008)