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Casper Update: Jan. 4, 2008
The Freedom packs which were once again positioned last night for delivery today were again returned to the Sup. Court on Bush's orders. The threats which had caused him to release them yesterday afternoon apparently didn't stick for very long. He is desperate to steal our funds and the Wanta funds to prop up the failing banks. Everything he does is an attempt to preserve the status quo, to avoid implementation of Basel II which our bank appointments trigger and to retain control of his corrupt fiefdom. Some sources believe Freedom has been "decoupled" and we can still receive this weekend. Our Intel says delivery of Freedom is necessary to trigger the IMF funding and therefore if it is not coming nothing is coming. The intensity of the fight over control of these particular packages supports the view they are the key to all deliveries. Word from over yonder is that unless this situation is reversed immediately and deliveries occur no later than Monday the U.S. economy will be crashed beginning over there and then continuing here. GW leaves for nine days to the mideast Monday or Tuesday. Supposedly Paulson had secreted vast sums into Israel. How this fits into the big picture is unknown to us.
The Paulson situation is a riddle wrapped in an enigma. There he sits at the conference table with Bush today on national television. We have at least as many sources as STORY claiming he is deceased and today's video a fraud. One source says the family acknowledged his passing the day it happened. Military sources, banking sources, even WIKIPEDIA said it's true, he's gone. The WIKIPEDIA obit, right below his picture, was removed within hours of posting. Another source said the family was making funeral arrangements. Others speak of a "stand in", even a clone. Fox news and all present at the meeting of economic advisors would have to be in on the scam. This is above my pay grade and not our story to begin with so lets leave it to those better informed than us to explain this situation.
In spite of these ongoing last minute delays which seem to never end we fully expect deliveries to begin by Monday and be done (us) by the 10th and all else including IF to be finished by the 15th. Why? Because that's what our best sources tell us.
New news says five cards at the door, use only one which will be identified.
Like you we seek additional enlightenment regarding the mysterious goings on in D.C.. Who knows where it will come from next. We suggest this would be a good time for anyone who has pertinent information which you know to be true to provide it now, anonymously if you wish, but it's time for everyone to help to the extent possible. If you have something important you know to be true send it back thru the 'daisy chain' that brought you this message.