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Poofness Report - March 18, 2007

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some time that after the dot com bubble blew, the housing bubble was blown up and was carrying the economy along. Now that the sub prime market is disintegrating, they are using words to try and assuage the situation, even while the man who let it go on is saying, it will spread into other sectors of the economy like a cancerous organism. It's so typical, don't do anything about it, just put out your best speech makers, and tell everyone it's really ok. Then again, we're winning in iraq and there is no civil war there.

So by now, everyone has heard bw was told he'd be released soon. What you may not know is, it was a part of the plea agreement these guys were given, that they'd be released at the conclusion of this program's delivery. I just guess he was so happy, someone just couldn't help getting onto the net, so it's spread like wildfire. I personally heard about it from several directions before it ever hit the web and I didn't put it out there. I gotta tell you, there are many inconsistencies wrapped around that trial business.

If anyone seriously did some investigations, they'd have known there was allot more behind it than prosecuting a scam. Who really paid off the $1.5m fine for Karen before she was released? Why did the FBI dismiss Tom Magro's further investigations into all of these programs? Frankly, I'm still amazed someone would believe that a truthful conversation could be held on a jail/prison telephone. All communication is monitored...duh! By the way, the only way you get out early doing federal prison time is if there is a special proviso. Normally, one does all the time given by the federal court.

Let's get down to the center of this business. I have carried a consistent theme thru the years and I have given you many reference points as the conclusion of this thing finally came to fruition. I told you a new banking system would be engaged when it was concluded, yet I also said it was created in europe, not the us. I never stood behind the cancellation of all debt, as that wasn't the way it was explained to me 25 years ago, nor did the people working on the new system ever say that's the way it would work...and they ought to know, as they ran from country to country getting them to sign on to it.

The big resister was always the US, since they wanted to 'run it' not merge with it. Lately, you're able to see that China obviously is hooked into the scenario in some way, as their behavior is indicative of someone holding power, not as runts trying to catch up. So again I remind you that, you and I, this transfer of wealth we are involved in, is the key ingredient that allows the europeans to flip the switch to the ascendency of the euro, not as the end all, mind you, but as a bridge back to metal. The neocons came into office with junior and believed thru creating mayhem on the global stage they could make the world succumb to their demands, giving them control of the world's finances, thereby old nations kneeling before them, as the masters of the universe. In a pig's eye! Honey gets you a lot further than vinegar, another, Duh!

Everything was engaged, delivery wise, for the final assault on thurs. Not just us, but also the imf funds. Those monies are being moved into position around the globe, prior to their access. No one(imf) is accessing yet but from looking at market activity it tells me many bankers are aware of what time it is. The europeans, for example, are holding onto their cash. The chinese raised their interest rates and are screening western interests who want to move into their markets. The japanese have gotten off of that 0% rate thing, making folks spend some money if they want to invest or use the yen for overnight money games. Free money is virtually over for the US.

So, as the end of this dance is playing out it's final steps, you who have contacts in europe, family members, friends, what have you, good news will be hitting you most any moment. News is coming to me now that's going further and further down into the levels where the bulk of us reside. While there was a short hold up on money movement because folks decided they could trade against our funds over a week ago, requiring an audit and a numerous amount of arrests, all is flowing smoothly now. I'm also noticing certain recent additions to my list, are no longer present, having either shut down their addresses, or letting them go over limit, as they have received and departed these shores. Even the people who believe it was all a scam and are 'mad as hell' I'm still holding this torch, will get a delivery, as no one cares about that, they will just do their job and deliver, the rest will be on them, as far as, how they handle it.

The nervousness and the fear are at an all time high thoughout the western world, as no one knows for sure how all of this will play out, who will survive, who covered their butts well enough. It's the best made plans of mice and men, did you do your home work, or are you running on the gas being pumped out by an insane administration who believes it's own propaganda. Time will time, won't it? Look at the hour glass, there's only a few grains left before it all goes crazy and the 'newspeak' begins and the blame game goes into a full court press. Are you ready to rumba? Think of the movie 'The Mask' for a visual. Hee hee hee, c'mon lighten up, it was always going to be this way. chicky boom chicky chicky boom boom, see ya beach side somewhere!!!

Consultations available..still, if you appreciate the newsletters donations can be made thru account or by emailing this address for land address. Do hope you all kissed the blarney stone yesterday and may the road rise up to meetcha, or may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your gone! Aye!

Love and Kisses,
