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Poof Report for March 25, 2007

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be remedied by that contract bank being showed it's weaknesses and a very heavy hammer bring dropped where it hurts the most. I have nothing about the usual suspects doing anything, at least where their fingerprints are showing. Once money started moving into the East and the East calmed down for a moment, because they were auditing, perhaps they thought they had time to muck about abit.

Folks, I don't know if they'll finally dump the rest of this thing this week or not. I do know, there's not a thing left that needs being done and somebody is dragging their behinds about finishing it. Oh, they are delivering alright, just enough to cover their butts, so they can say, 'everything is moving smoothly', 'no problems'. Everyone else in the world knows this should have been over already. What can I say, once this is finished, it's end game. A new banking system engages across the planet, markets crash, currencies are revaluated, gold and silver goes up, the dollar, because the world is glutted with them, with nothing but reputation to back them, goes sliding down the last spin in the toilet. Imagine, if you will, that as a large banking interest out here, you know this, and all you former business was based on dollar based debt, what would you do? You'd do anything in your power to avoid confronting your base problem. Why do today what you can put off for tomorrow?

Again, I'm hearing, it'll be finished this week.

Love and Kisses,
