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Casper Report-August 26, 2007

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Thursday and was to result in deliveries yesterday and today. In spite of sanctions imposed they (china/B.A.) put the funds back in trade this weekend further delaying deliveries til Mond./Tues.. A few test packs have been delivered beginning Sunday a week ago today. The big banking change announcement is still scheduled 9-18-07 but there is supposed to be a series of smaller announcements now till then beginning with the constitutional aspect by Tuesday night. Recipients of the lesser programs will be directed to B.A./W.F. while the "main" program recipients wi ll be directed to the foreign banks set up domestically for that purpose.

It is impossible to keep up with much less analyze correctly the profound secret goings on around the world. For example; websites are reporting the purchase of billions of dollars of put options which expire 9/21 and are so far "out of the money" that only another terrorist event or an economic event resulting in a market crash before 9-21 can make this bet profitable. This is the same scenario as the massive shorting of the airline stocks the week prior to 9-11 only bigger. The S.E.C. never did let us in on who did that. Someone stands to lose one billion dollars if the crash does not happen. Another example; the 1st Battalion 265 Air Defense Artillery have been ordered by the President to Wash. D.C. (operation Noble Eagle) where they and their high-tech weapons systems are to guard the capital against potential air threat. Meanwhile the worldwide central bank "pumping operation" continues massive liq uidity injections into banks to keep the existing system afloat a while longer, supposedly til 9-18. Having received this largess from the Fed, B. of J. and other central banks, the commercial banks are now afraid to loan it out and be at risk if all goes south. The commercial paper market needs 90T in rollovers in the next 30 days without which the corporations dependent upon this short term financing are basically dead. Hanging over all of this is 450/500T in derivatives held mostly by domestic banks who bought the wall street bulls___. This garbage paper is stacked up like a house of cards as is dependent upon the safety of underlying assets which are themselves constructed upon foundations of quicksand. The banks derivatives books are like mountain climbers tethered together on the side of a dangerous mountain in a blizzard. One goes they all go. This is all reflected in the panic flight to safety vies a vies the 100++ basis point drop in 30 day t -bills last week in a single day. Don't expect the talking heads to discuss the seriousness of this stuff as they are paid not to. Mean while the PPT and their equivalents in Asia do whatever is necessary to "hold" the equity markets up and mislead average investors as to the fragility of a financial system constructed for the primary purpose of lining the pockets of Wall Street bankers and their entourage.

As they continued illegally trading the B.A./W.F. funds last week the packages attached to those funds were moved around, back and forth, hide and seek until finally WE THINK, they have been positioned for Mond./Tues. delivery, so pending no further B.S. we are again ready to go. Current instructions to peripheral and parallel program trustees and project managers support this conclusion.

casper 8-26-07