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Short Cakes

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out there but that is only the illusion of what  evil wants us to believe as they frantically scramble around to hold on to  the power they have had for so long. But folks, they have already lost.  The Light has won, we have won.

Instead of getting caught up in all the negative news and energy why don't  all that reads these messages keep their focus on " N.E.S.A.R.A. NOW " by  using the graphics found on the webpage below and if led to, saying the  prayer for N.E.S.A.R.A. also listed below in English and Spanish. We have  nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying and we may find that we are  happier and even smiling at the thought of what N.E.S.A.R.A. is bringing to  all of us.

Love and prayers are sent your way,