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Casper Report for February 8, 2007

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ere available. A cowboy gets off his bull after 8 seconds. Keeping up with the shenanigans surrounding our deal is akin to riding "Bodacious" around the clock and not something you would want, I promise you, even if you might think you would.

Since last we spoke the entire World Court has been replaced, (embezzlement and collusion with Queen). Last night China and Russia arrived here with the entire "new" World Court in tow to help get deliveries done. Reps from countries in South America, Asia, Africa, etc. etc., also arrived. Certain of the packages which must be part of the first delivery went to the airport in D.C. yesterday only to be stopped there by G.W. and Treasury. New orders from the new World Court (now here) had them back on the move again around noon today EST for delivery tomorrow?? Who knows what overnight evil lurks in the hearts of the criminals who rule this country.

A giant brouhaha has been underway in D.C. since midday and is still underway as I write. Senators and Congressmen don’t want to go. They want the status quo and don’t want the never ending corruption exposed. Remember, deliveries lead to announcements, which leads to resignations, followed by EXPOSURE.

It's all so BIG; so very, very HUGE. Banks go down, arrests have already happened (many). Fiat monetary systems become extinct. Corrupt politico's and their helpers (cabinet secretaries and bankers) bite the dust (eat dirt).

The Queen is in deep, deep doo-doo (stealing money). She even offered the other countries half our money if they would "go along" with her plans to screw us using banks she controls. when her "subjects" learn the truth about "her majesty" she will be lucky to avoid a Marie Antoinette scenario.

WE DONT KNOW EVERYTHING. Things are constantly happening around the world affecting us. We are often 12/24/36 hours "behind the curve". They work hard to keep us confused and in the dark. We work even harder to find the truth and we do, sometimes within a few minutes, sometimes in a couple of days. We sense the "big picture" is even bigger than we know and (collectively) we do know a great deal.

I hope someone writes a book, but not me. I'm just to tired and sad that our ignorance and apathy as citizens has allowed such corruption to flourish right under our noses. Bush Senior once said "if the American people ever find out what we have done they will hang us from the lamp post". So be it; and remember, this is not "party" specific. They are all in on it and all should be invited to the "party".

Look for deliveries tomorrow, the 9th, unless evil wins another temporary victory.

Casper 2-8-07