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Poof Report - "Wake Up Call"

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ately noted. Why people would attempt anything, at this time, tells me that a certain insanity is moving thru what used to be considered upright and intelligent individuals. I can't answer the why of it all, I'm just watching them.

Anyhow, they were scooped up and removed to a place, across the water, for all their trouble. The situation was quickly cleaned up, the downpour re-engaged. It's the cost, that amazes me, these folks somehow discount, in their minds, when they do these things. A banker can never again 'touch money', your career, your prestige, is shot, right then and there. Was it worth it? In a worse case scenario, individuals are made 'homeless' over night, in a series of very 'gaslighted' events. Explain that to your wife and kids!

At this moment, all is well, things re-secured where they belong. We expect completion within days...and I don't mean a month of days. If our trustees move quickly before someone else gets a wild idea, it'll be over with, and all will go into the next level. The free for all, shift of global wealth scenario, developed by the European 'smart guys', creators of 'organized financial chaos', whose goal is to return money, back to metal, is the foundation upon which we stand. I hope, you could understand why people would be willing to blow their brains out to prevent that from happening....if you can also allow for what this thing you await actually represents. You see, from the writings out here, that many very smart people see Europe going down, with the detonation of the dollar. It is readily apparent, if you weren't aware the European elite created a fail-safe to prevent that. While the talking heads continue to promote that thought, keeping the American mind in the twilight zone, officially and behind the scenes, there is unimaginable fear in dc of being exposed as being a giant with no pants on. How low have the mighty fallen? From my view, it's embarrassing....all so very sordid.

Anyone wondering, on each side of both borders of the us, what would best work for their reception and maintaining their wealth...go to Europe. Get a passport if you don't have one, which you can still do quickly, with resources you'll have upon reception. There's entirely too many games being played between the 3 govs. Americans, all you have to do is, enter 'passport' into Google...with enough front end money you can get a pp in 24 hours and you'll have enough to do that. Here's another website to peruse and for you to use as you see fit; I wish all of you knew that everyone in this corral haven't lost their minds in hopelessness but remain clear, and continue to offer assistance to the rest of us.

The shore is right 'there' and whether you know it or not, they have to let us off this ship, the stevedores have been 'advised'. So let them finish with us now and let the adventure begin.

I will call you folks who've asked for appointments within the next 24 hours. Consultations available, fees and donations remain being done thru account or thru emailing this address. Keep your chins up and don't fall for the 'abandon all hope' scenario being broadcast out here. I never told anyone this would be a 'rose garden' and it ain't.

Step over the bodies and keep going...

Love and Kisses,
