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Message From Michael - NESARA - Where Are YOU Standing??

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I BELIEVE it, I will SEE it!!!!

Do you realize or know that when YOU 'know' something is ABSOLUTE it is already then an assured absolute 3-D reality---and it is then only a matter of 'TIME' in your own individual (and collective human consciousness) that suddenly makes what you KNOW as ABSOLUTE 'appear?' St. Germaine, Sananda, DOVE and hosts of us KNOW is not an illusion or fanciful wish...NESARA is an ABSOLUTE reality!! It already joyfully exists in the Eternal Now!!

Do you know that "NOW" is all that is ABSOLUTE and REAL?? The PAST is gone and the FUTURE can only be experienced, CHOSEN, and co-created and known by each of us individually (and collectively) WHEN we OPEN up to accepting and knowing and embracing the ABSOLUTE nature of our human and divine desire!!

St. Germaine has acknowledged that we have ALL made the difference in bringing NESARA into our Earthl reality. He has pled with us all to now SEE and HOLD the joy, the jubilee, and the divine elation of SEEING, feeling, and GIVING THANKS for NESARA being ANNOUNCED and implemented. We are asked to SEE what genuine FREEDOM, PROSPERITY and genuine inner self FULFILLMENT that NESARA brings to our individual (and collective) human consciousness and LIFE on Earth?

Are YOU doing it??

If you are reading these words, you can be sure that YOU came to Earth (as I have done) HELP benevolent forces and the Ascended Masters and humanity bring NESARA on Earth NOW!! I spent over an hour very early this a.m. before arising---DOING exactly what St. Germaine requested. I felt and FEEL NOW the utter JOY of seeing NESARA announced on the TV and Radio stations and bold headlines of major newspapers---and HOW my most beautiful dreams of LIFE can and will soon be a LIVING REALITY as NESARA funds are dispersed in the various NESARA programs!!

I SAW and felt the JOY of NESARA impacting my family life, and lives of my dearest and most loved friends and co-lightworkers. It was and IS very REAL--and I am NOW in the ABSOLUTE KNOWING that NESARA is about to be announced at any moment or any hour now!!!!! IF I can 'generate' this state of ABSOLUTE knowing---YOU can too!! Please take or make the time to do it TODAY--right NO, if possible!!

Spend 3 minutes, 20 minutes or a whole hour, BASKING in the abundance, the relief and the bliss of knowing that PEACE ON EARTH is NOW an ABSOLUTE!! YOU will be thankful YOU did---and all of US looking on and KNOWING will also share and appreciate YOUR thankfulness--for we are One.

Right NOW then, banish any doubts or all the fear you may be holding that "perhaps NESARA may NOT be real?"

CHANGE REALITIES!! Take or make time right NOW to bring NESARA into the ABSOLUTE state for YOU (and thus collectively for all others on Earth)!! You will rejoice and give even more THANKS--after doing so... So be it and so it is!!

YES, the NESARA announcement NOW!!

We are all NOW blessed beyond might or measure.

We are one. Bless your heart. I love you...***Michael
