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N. C. Anderson

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We do not have the Supreme Court for the United States of America, we have the UNITED STATES Supreme Court.

We have the UNITED STATES Senate, UNITED STATES Congress, all belonging to the Federal Corporation, writing and deciding the rules regulations and bylaws of the Corporation.

The UNITED STATES Supreme court would have no right to decide on the 'pledge' or the 'Ten Commandments' or 'moral issues' only the Supreme Court of the United States of America would have that right.

The SS# makes everyone and all, the employees under the Federal Corporation's rules, regulations, and bylaws, and they do not have God, or Constitutional rights 'mentioned in any of their 'code books' we have been tricked into believing are lawful entities.


All Americans stop their slave labor that feeds the illuminati, The Federal Corporation. The SS# makes us each a employee of the Federal Corporation account, all other things are 'ignored' but a ***NATIONAL WORKER STRIKE*** and all workers return to the Corporation the SS# cards could NOT be 'ignored'.

No more 'labor' for the illuminati Corporation: would mean no more war, no more destroyed families, no more Corporation, reinstatement of the original Constitutions, re-confinement of lawful Government to its limits, and wide open door for NESARA.

This action could not be ignored. Millions in the streets have been ignored, post cards will be ignored, letters will be ignored. They ***live and breath on the bodies and blood of the slave labor*** we have all been bought and sold into.

The courts (ALL STATE AND FEDERAL) are Federal Corporate sales rooms, buying and selling Human Bodies (American Bodies) No God, No rights, No Constitution of the people exists in ANY COURT.

The judge is a CEO for the Federal Corporation

The Lawyer is a member and employee of the Federal Corporation

The US Marshall is a stooge

The Sheriff is a Corporate gopher, dishonoring an oath and committing treason

The prison/jail is the Corporate warehouse for the bodies, rehabilitation for the slaves and $$$$$$$$$ for the Corporation.

The Holy Spirit has revealed all of these truths. It is up to the human beings, flesh and blood and soul to 'hear' and to 'act' or be lost.

© NanC Anderson

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