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Poof Update, June 3, 2007

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gov or life's circumstances, make them feel powerless. Ever think that maybe'somebody' has been working overtime so you get on paxil and feel more resigned about your lot in life? I've been carrying a theme to you for years, so you could resist that feeling of 'abandon all hope, all ye that have entered here'. It's called psychological war and everyone in this country has been pounded on longer than perhaps you may have noticed.

You've been conditioned to accept all kinds of things, in this day and time, that's suppose to be 'normal'. They just decided that now, they want you to think about iraq in terms of korea, you know like, have troops stationed there indefinately. We're keeping the peace america! Somebody who has my archives will find, I wrote a statement about iraq being like the 'tar baby' in the uncle remus stories, before they just Had to go in there. The trick is, if you know something, and it happens, stop dwelling on it, becaus the conclusion is already foregone.

My only purpose in advising anyone has been to afford information, because I truly believe if one is forearmed they are forwarned, thus can make informed decisions and avoid the hazards, not to promote fear, as fear can paralyze a person into inaction. That helps no one, matter of fact, that's how gov's have been controlling their masses for many many years, so you don't think you can do without them. When they are in the deepest trouble they pump the fear rhetoric up several octaves.

This week, we got a tb scare And the jfk airport maybe in the future some guys are going to blow it up, things. Oh yea, russia just tested an ICBM, in response to the us trying to put missles on their front porch, as tho, they wouldn't have one problem with that. duhhh! What we have to do, when we hear this stuff is, keep it in perspective and don't go running down the road with our hair on fire. You know very well, sometimes it takes a club to get certain folks' attention.

This planet couldn't take a nuclear anything, in this day and time, and there's no such thing as a strategic nuclear strike, not as long as this world still has winds that blow. So since 'everybody's' got them, you better believe, before somebody punches a button, cooler heads will prevail, as there will be no winners. Not even the Bilderburgs are interested in a Mad Max world...there's no profit in it.

So to the topic of the newsletter. Instead of stuff flying in off the sun, termed CME's, we have europe sending them, well the orders, anyway. I've had more packets of sunshine hitting this week, some reported by trusted individuals who've been every bit as skeptical as anyone else, who's never heard of drop anywhere near them. This was not the downpour, however, this was simply keeping the pump primed, so no blockages in the pipes would develope from inactivity. I let you know a number of weeks ago, there was a big change that happen with the trusts and the foundation, like a whole bunch of folks dismissed, as no longer needed.

Due to all the thievery and major temptation, funds were removed to a hidden place until such time, all was absolutely ready for the dump. Well, they were ready and required that someone step in and sign a document that makes sure those funds are immediately available when you come for access. Now I'm not calling anyone senile, but if you go missing a few times when there's important things to be done, questions are going to get raised...eventually. Some of these folks were middle aged when this began and after all these years, are in various states of disrepair. It was handled, the document signed, and we're off to the races.

This allows them to downpour without you standing in a line somewhere, waiting for your money to come online. I really couldn't see too many of us being very patient after reception, with waiting for the bank to call us, like the imf people have had to do. If people were willing to post up in front of fedex and ups offices, awaiting their packy, they'd also be willing to camp in front of a bank somewhere, waiting to get called in. Money in place first, then mass deliveries.

So, as everything wraps up here and that packet of sunshine, shines thru your frontdoor, try to remember to be calm and keep your wits about yourself. Don't make anything up. They didn't give you a list of instructions for you to ignore because you read something different on the internet. Anyone knows who's had a consultation with me, it's simple, simple, simple....and I don't get into a bunch of 'politrix' and bore anyone with what they could read in the newspaper.

Get paid first, read about the scuttlebutt, later, if you are still interested. Consultations are still available by emailing and requesting thru this email address. Donations are needed and accepted at account

Love and Kisses,
