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Alex Jones' Zionist Protection Racket

Victor Thorn

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. Instead, what they'll do is simply refer to those atop the global control pyramid as "The New World Order" or "globalists" or "internationalists" as if they were some sort of faceless, nameless, shadow-entity.

But as WING TV (along with other courageous truth-tellers) have shown, we need to start specifically identifying these monsters, including those contained under the umbrella of Zionism, Judaism (especially the Talmud), and the nation of Israel. On the other hand, if a broadcaster or journalist refuses to confront this topic (i.e. Alex Jones, George Noory), or castigates callers in to their show who do want to discuss this subject, they should be viewed with an enormous amount of suspicion.

Why? Because we have to ask ourselves: who are they protecting with their silence? We all know that the mainstream media is primarily owned by Jewish interests, so don't you think it's logical to conclude that they would also want to control the flow of information in the alternative media via their paid henchmen?

C'mon – get a dose of reality. The Zionists don't give a damn if radio show hosts talk all day long about the faceless, nameless New World Order, the Illuminati, or the Freemasons; just as long as they don't point the finger of blame or shine a light of exposure on THEM! It's time to start understanding how this game is being played. The mainstream corporate media is nothing more than a Zionist protection racket; and we know what their agenda is. Doesn't the same rationale apply to those in the alternative media who mirror them by protecting the Zionists?

Who do you think controls the broadcasters and propagandists in the patriot movement who won't speak out about the Zionists? Answer: THE ZIONISTS! And who do the Zionists side with? The neo-cons. And which cabal controls the neo-cons? The Bush administration does. And who are the puppet-masters for the Bush Crime family? The Zionists. So, if somebody in the alternative media (i.e. Alex Jones) doesn't expose these bloodthirsty monsters by name and affiliation, then he's a cover-up artist and tool for the NWO Zionists.

Ask yourself another question: Who has the most obvious vested interest in infiltrating the alternative media? Answer: the Zionists, because they're the power behind the throne in regard to our invasion of Iraq (and soon Iran). They also played a huge role in orchestrating 9-11. And who could forget the USS Liberty war crimes, the Jewish banking system, the Talmud's anti-Christian evils, Rachel Corrie's cold-blooded murder, the Lavon Affair, the multiple Israeli spy scandals directed against America, and the Nazi-like Berlin Wall being built around their country (all financed by American taxpayer money). Last but not least, the Zionists don't want anyone even remotely investigating or questioning the Holocaust's authenticity.

So, what do the Zionists do? That's an easy one to answer – they infiltrate a few "networks" and place a number of broadcasters in "just the right spot" to deflect all attention and inquiries away from the Zionist issue. Think about it: Does Alex Jones ever investigate the Holocaust's veracity, or probe to see if its numbers are accurate? No! Does he ever penetrate and expose the Jewish money system? No. How about Israeli foreknowledge and involvement in 9-11? Not a chance. Plus, Jones portrays himself as a devout Christian, yet has he ever delved into the evil Jewish Talmud? No. This guy won't even mention the word Zionist!

Sure, Alex Jones talks about the New World Order, but only in generic terms. Or else he'll direct everyone's attention to Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, George Bush & Dick Cheney, or to shadowy groups like the Illuminati. And guess what: that's exactly what he's been hired to do by his Zionist handlers.

Now some people will undoubtedly object and say, "Alex gives out a lot of information." And we agree – he does disseminate information – but it's only SELECTIVE information that doesn't threaten the Zionist power base. In this sense, ABC, CNN, and FOX give their audience Zionist-free "news," as does Alex Jones – who also gives them Zionist-lite "news." But what good is this information if it only tells part of the story, or if it is always filtered by the Zionist censors? Isn't that the same thing the mainstream media does?

Here's the bottom line: Alex Jones willingly belongs to a vast Zionist-controlled cover-up network that extends to not only the mainstream media, but also quite a number of other venues in the alternative media as well. In this light, he is no different than the sell-outs that infect NBC, ABC, or the Washington Post. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself one very important question: why won't Alex Jones expose the Zionist cabal which not only exerts such undue influence over this country, but also is an integral part of the global organized crime syndicate (known as world government)?

You better believe there's a conspiracy, and Alex Jones is one of the Zionist-controlled shills that are perpetuating it.


1) Why does Alex Jones absolutely refuse to expose the Israeli-Zionist connection to the New World Order, and

2) Who in the New World Order is he protecting by choosing not to discuss this topic?


If a broadcaster or reporter refuses to broach the Zionist agenda, don't trust them for a second because they've already been bought, sold, and controlled.


Zionism and the Nation of Israel are tied to the New World Order like cigarette smoking is to lung cancer.

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Connecting the Dots

Is Alex Jones Losing His Mind?

by Victor Thorn

On an increasing basis, people have been asking us: What's wrong with Alex Jones? He seems to be losing his mind.

Due to his show being one long extended infomercial, along with the non-stop fear-mongering, we rarely tune-into Jones' broadcast anymore. But on Friday, September 30, 2005 we decided to see what the King of Fear was doing.

After listening for a few moments, I heard Alex go into some of the most extreme Tavistock-style mind-control fear-mongering I'd ever been subjected to; followed, of course, by his incessant BUY BUY BUY hard-sell commercials. Realizing that this guy's broken record schtick hadn't changed in ages; I was ready to turn him off when something so bizarre came over the airwaves that I couldn't believe my ears.

For about 15 minutes straight, Alex Jones pretended to be a spider.

Alex "Spiderboy" Jones

Now it's bad enough that George Noory is talking about seeing shadow rodents, and Tom Flocco is bamboozling people with his Barbara Olson cock n' bull story; but Alex Jones now thinks he's a spider!

Maybe his listeners were right: Alex was going off the deep end. I mean, with all these stories floating around about George Bush's pre-senile dementia and how he rants & raves like a lunatic (i.e. Alex Jones), maybe it's something in the water down there in Texas.

But y'see, it's even worse than that. For years Alex has been doing a fake Rush Limbaugh impersonation which is, of course, not his real voice. I should know, because I've spoken with Jones on the telephone on two different occasions, and he doesn't do his Limbaugh schtick in real life.

So you have to ask yourself: of all the people in the world, why would Jones want to copy or pattern himself after Rush Limbaugh – the biggest phony of all-time? From my perspective, he's the last person I'd ever want to be like. But for some reason, Alex Jones seems obsessed with wanting to be him.

I'm not the only person saying these things. If you watch a clip from Sacred Cow you'll see a comedian named Joe Rogan giving Jones crap for using his fake Rush Limbaugh voice. He says, "If you could be yourself all the time, wouldn't that be better than all of a sudden puffing out your chest and becoming Alex Jones." In essence he's telling him, "Quit being such a fake. Just talk like yourself."

This scenario reminds me of a story Jim Tucker tells in his recently released Bilderberg Diary where he catches Henry Kissinger off-guard and hears him speaking with a perfect English accent; not his thick, phony German dialect. In other words, Kissinger's whole delivery is fake – nothing but an affectation. Why would Alex Jones want to act in the exact same fashion as these two New World Order cronies?

Regrettably, there's more. Jones has also been morphing into one of the most effeminate, whiny, childish voices ever known to mankind. And he does it all the time! Why would Alex want to adopt such an effete persona? In between that girlish voice and his rabid, frothing at the mouth out-of-control ranting & raving, it's no wonder people are starting to question his sanity (ala a hysterical, crazed George W. Bush). Furthermore, as we listened to Alex's infantile whining, Lisa Guliani commented, "Does he know how obnoxious and embarrassing he sounds?" And it's true. Is it any wonder that many people in mainstream America don't take the alternative media seriously? With people like Alex Jones epitomizing the `crazed conspiratologist,' all they do is laugh. Can't you see? He's doing us more harm than good by "marginalizing" this movement with the lunatic fringe.

Which leads us back to Alex's recent incarnation as a spider. Now it'd be one thing if he did a fifteen-second impersonation, but Jones actually 'became' a spider for about 15 minutes. He even went from one commercial break to another as a spider, and answered caller's questions as a spider.

As this pathetic display dragged on, Lisa said, "Doesn't this sound like something that should be on Nickelodeon?" Now ask yourself: do we want our alternative media to become something that resembles Nickelodeon – a children's show!

Plus, I was thinking: what if Alex walked into an Austin bar and started this spider schtick. As we all know, Texas is a bad-ass state, and they don't take kindly to this type of nonsensical behavior:

Alex Jones: (babbling like a lunatic) I'm a little creepy-crawly. I want to eat you up.

Texas Redneck: Boy, what the hell are you trying to do?

Alex Jones: I'm a hairy little spider dangling from my web.

Texas Redneck: A f*#cking what?

Alex Jones: I'm a spider.

Texas Redneck: Son, we don't like your kind around these parts. Now straighten-up or I'm gonna whoop your ass.

Hell, if Alex pulled his spider act in an Austin bar, they'd probably throw his sorry ass out the door like they did to Pee Wee Herman in Pee Wee's Big Adventure. What's Alex going to do next – put on big white shoes, a pink tutu, and dance the Macarena? I mean, I'm from Pennsylvania and I know how to act more like a Texan than Alex Jones does! What's wrong with this guy?

It's actually pretty mind-boggling to think that in the past month we've been putting our asses on the line by taking our 14-foot 9-11 WORLD TRADE CENTER CONTROLLED DEMOLITION banner to Ground Zero and the White House – being in the middle of some very intense scenes – while Alex Jones is playing Romper Room/Sesame Street by pretending to be an itsy-bitsy spider. For pete's sake, get a grip.

Anyway, here's our WING TV advice to Alex Jones: when you do your radio show from now on, grow up, be a man, and just be yourself. You don't have to try to be Rush Limbaugh, Pee Wee Herman, or a freaking spider; and for crying out loud, drop the childish effeminate whiner voice. It's pathetic beyond words.

Other than that, Alex, keep scaring people and sucking money out of them – you seem to be real good at doing that. (But y'know what, just between you and me, people are catching on and they're not falling for your Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker televangelism fundamentalist end-times fear-mongering ruse any more. That one-trick pony has run its last race.)