Kill Your Television: TurnOffYourTV
"They put an off button on the TV for a reason. Turn it off . . . I really don't watch much TV."
-- President George W. Bush, C-SPAN interview, January 2005
"American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70 they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives watching TV."
-- The Kaiser Family Foundation
"You watch television to turn your brain off and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on."
-- Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar, in Macworld Magazine, February 2004
"Everybody’s got values . . . The thing that frightens me is the way that an eroding public school system . . . and television on all over the place is leading to a steady dumbing down of the American public and a corrosion of basic critical thinking in the population."
-- Jamie Raskin, American University law professor, November 2004 on the Democracy Now! radio program
"Protestant clergy named divorce, negative influences from the media, and materialism as the three greatest threats to families in their communities."
-- from an Ellison Research study of 695 Protestant church ministers nationwide, October 2004
"The media can wreak great harm on the family when it offers an inadequate or even distorted vision of life, of the family itself and of religion and morality."
-- Pope John Paul II, May 2004
Average daily allotments of household and individual television viewing increased from the previous year to reach all-time highs during the 2005-06 season.
"These results demonstrate that television still holds its position as the most popular entertainment platform," said Patricia McDonough of Nielsen Media Research. "At this point, consumption of emerging forms of entertainment, including Internet television and video on personal devices, seems not to be making an impact on traditional television viewing."
The total average time per household in 2005-06 was eight hours and 14 minutes per day.
-- Reuters (September 22, 2006)
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"I think that too much media in the hands of one powerful entity or one individual is a mistake. I think it runs counter to the foundation of our country. I think it runs counter to the need for Americans to know that they are getting news and information from multiple sources that are not singularly controlled."
-- Senator and Presidental Candidate John Kerry, June 2004
"I thank the Congress for reducing the chances that the hours spent in church or synagogue or in discussion around the dinner table about right and wrong and what can and cannot happen in the world will not be undone by unthinking hours in front of a television set."-- President Bill Clinton upon signing the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on the V-chip, designed to help parents block out violence on television.
"I don't sit in front of anything right now. I mean, I don't watch television, and I make my living out of it. It's not out of any great principle. I work at it all day. I'm traveling, at night I'm going (to give) speeches. Other than watching sports and the news, I just don't watch it."-- Talk show host Jerry Springer in an interview with the San Jose-Mercury News, January 2000
"Children cannot learn to read by watching television. Television is just background noise and a distraction."
-- First Lady Laura Bush during the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, July 2000
"As you become able to pull back out of the immersion in the TV set, you can widen your perceptual environment to again include the room you are in.Your feelings and personal awareness are rekindled. With self-awareness emerging you can perceive the quality of sensory deadness television induces, the one-dimensionality of its narrowed information field, and arrive at an awareness of boredom.
This leads to channel switching at first and eventually turning off the set."
-- Jerry Mander, author of Four Arguments For the Elimination Of Television
Feb. 26, 2011