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It is time that Americans STOP funding NPR (National Public Radio) with their tax dollars.  NPR has become a mouthpiece of socialist propaganda for the Elite Controllers running the U.S. government.  Its goal is to undermine the core values of U.S. conservative and Christian citizens and the founding documents of this nation.  The American taxpayer pays NPR over $50,000,000 per year for this betrayal!  The Video below shows the level of contempt Sr. Vice President of Development for NPR, Ron Schiller, has for not only the Tea Party movement but also all Americans who voted out the House socialist-Democrats in November 2010.  And the only reason Schiller was forced to resign is the fact that he was caught spouting this contempt on video for the world to see.  All NPR management has this same socialistic bias and agenda or they wouldn't be in executive positions there.  The Light of Truth has exposed these socialists for what they are; it is time the American taxpayers stand up and demand that this pariah be defunded once and for all !  It is time that NPR swim or sink on its own merits or demerits.  It is time for NPR to compete in the marketplace for their operating dollars just as every other radio news media outlet does in the United States!  I urge you to tell your Congressional representatives to defund NPR NOW!    
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VIDEO: NPR Exec Slams Tea Party