AT&T©and Verizon©.At stake was a bill to grant blanket immunity for more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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dc52d5f-5588-4141-b2dc-fd0e0a5ae033&FolderID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&n=948851496#thebadguys">AT&T© and Verizon©.

At stake was a bill to grant blanket immunity for phone companies that aided the Bush administration plot to illegally eavesdrop on Americans.

But then something unlikely happened. By evening, a groundswell of public pressure from citizens like you and me moved Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pull the bill from the floor.

AT&T and Verizon are now preparing for the next battle over telecom immunity, and so are we.

If telecom immunity is passed by the Senate, we may never know how much Verizon and AT&T helped the National Security Agency listen in on Americans' phone calls — or how much they're helping now.

What can you do? If you have a cellphone from Verizon or AT&T, you can keep on sending them your money and supporting them — and Bush — in their cover-up.

Or you can join CREDO Mobile — which is fighting to expose the administration's illegal spying program and bring all those responsible to justice — including Bush himself. CREDO Mobile is brought to you by your friends at Working Assets. It's the same great wireless service we've offered for years, with a new name to reflect our commitment to causes we believe in.

How different are we? Take a look below. What you see may disturb you. For a remedy make the switch now to CREDO Mobile.

CREDO Mobile.

What they do?

CREDO Mobile
…To spy on you:
We don't. Actually, we donate to the ACLU to STOP wiretapping Cooperate with the Bush administration's warrantless spying on American citizens
…With the money you pay them: Donates over $50 million to service- oriented and progressive nonprofits — including the ACLU Contributes more money to political campaigns than almost any other company --mostly to Republicans Spends $90 million on lobbying — more than Phillip Morris or Exxon
…For the environment: America's greenest phone company — and the only one to offer solar chargers Think of the worst polluters in elected office…That's where their money goes
…To your freedom of speech: Supports First Amendment heroes like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Democracy Now! Censors Pearl Jam for critizing Bush  during a concert webcast Blocked text messages from NARAL Pro-Choice America (before being forced to allow them)

If you think your privacy is important, then it's time to think about CREDO Mobile. Switch now and we'll buy out your current contract (up to $200).*


Michael Kieschnick

Co-founder and President

CREDO Mobile

P.S. In case you're wondering, you'll get the same quality coverage, phones and accessories with CREDO Mobile that you enjoy from any major provider. Sign up today and we'll give you a FREE Katana® II camera phone ($249 value) and a FREE solar charger ($100 value).*