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JD Heyes

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If you’re getting the impression that, in the age of President Donald Trump it’s best to never believe the “mainstream” media’s ‘bombshell’ reports regarding his presidency at first glance, your instincts are serving you well.

That’s because in nearly every instance since before the president took office, the garbage media has been wrong, wrong, wrong. And they are wrong because they long ago gave up any semblance of concern for their journalistic integrity just so they can “get” this president and help depose him.

They were wrong about “Russian collusion.” They were wrong about the “Russian dossier.” They were wrong about the president giving away intelligence secrets. They were wrong about so many things.

And now, we find out, they were wrong about their claim that President Trump abused his position by “threatening” to withhold military aid from Ukraine unless the country agreed to reopen a corruption investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

You may have heard that Democrats are accusing the president of doing what Joe Biden actually did — threaten to withhold aid from a foreign power for political reasons. Biden admitted as much on video; he threatened to prevent Ukraine from accessing $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Kiev’s chief prosecutor dropped a corruption investigation into a gas company in which Hunter Biden served as a board member (for $50k a month!)

But according to a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky from July, which the White House released on Wednesday, nothing the mainstream media has reported thus far is accurate.

The garbage media refuses to report honestly in the age of Trump

For instance, the media claimed that Trump threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine unless Zelensky agreed to reopen a probe into the Bidens — a quid pro quo. That’s false; there is nothing in the transcript that even remotely suggests our president threatened the Ukrainian president.

And while Trump did offer Ukraine the assistance of the U.S. Justice Department in the investigation, it was Zelensky who brought up the cooperation first. 

That’s right: Ukraine’s Zelensky first suggested enlisting help from presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani before Trump made the offer of assistance from the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr. (Related: Pelosi’s surrender to the lunatic impeachment fringe of the Democrat party may push America to civil war.)

“I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and will meet once he comes to Ukraine,” Zelensky said — after saying he was “ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations” between his country and the U.S.

My snap reaction to the transcript is that it was Zelensky and not Trump who brought up Rudy. Trump then brought up Biden.

As for Joe Biden’s threat, he wanted the government of then-President Petro Poroshenko to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin because he was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the U.S. and elsewhere at the time. 

In April, The Hill’s investigative journalist John Solomon reported:

Two years after leaving office, Joe Biden couldn’t resist the temptation last year to brag to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time as vice president that he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor.

Solomon reported further that the Obama regime had been pressuring Ukraine for more than seven months via Biden, who was handling relations with Ukraine for the White House at the time. 

“…Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member,” Solomon noted further.

The mainstream media is full of liars, Left-wing sycophants, and #NeverTrump haters. Don’t believe anything they publish about this latest fake scandal and Trump.

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