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'Most-attacked site on Internet' is ...

Bob Unruh/WND

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May 11, 2015

One of the organizers of the “draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas, that was attacked by two Muslims jihadists says those who are enemies of freedom are thugs in person and thugs on the Internet.

The event May 3 was hosted by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, co-founded by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.

Now Spencer says his Jihad Watch website, which documents the global threat of Islamic supremacism, is one of the world’s most-attacked websites.

He cites a letter from the chief technical officer of the Internet security firm Sucuri, which is tasked with protecting the Jihad Watch site.

“Here at Sucuri, we protect thousands of websites through our enterprise Website Firewall,” said Daniel Cid. “One of the most disruptive attacks we see are known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks are designed to disrupt the service and take down a website by overloading it with fake requests and make it inaccessible to everyone else.”

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Cid said Jihad Watch is “one of those thousands of websites we help protect, and by far the most attacked we have in our network.”

“It is targeted daily, by massive and large scale DDoS attempts that exceed 100Gbps of traffic on most days,” he said.

“What is interesting is that DDoS attacks usually last for a few hours, up to days and go away. However, Jihad Watch has been under multiple, daily attacks, for more than a year (ranging from distributed advanced SYN floods, HTTP GET requests, DNS/SSDP/NTP amplification attacks and many others).”

Spencer wrote that the “fact that Jihad Watch has now made the top spot of most cyber-attacked sites being protected by Sucuri (an industry leader in website security) vividly demonstrates that what we say is otherwise unassailable, and that the enemies of freedom are desperate – and as thuggish on the Net as they are in the real world.”

“It is the only response our enemies can use against the site, as they cannot refute what we say on the facts. They know what we say is true, and they hate that. In their authoritarianism and intellectual bankruptcy, they resort to trying to silence us,” Spencer wrote.

“Islamic supremacists and leftists always try to silence truth-tellers, as evidenced by their fabrication and use of the propaganda smear term ‘Islamophobe,’ and by their attacking a free-speech event with AK47s.”

The winner of the draw-Muhammad event was Bosch Fawstin.

Spencer, Geller and Fawstin have had to take extra security measures since the attack May 3, which WND reported from the scene and later in a first-person account.

Fawstin told WND in an interview Friday that he has no intention of going into hiding or dropping his focus on exposing, as a graphic novelist and artist, what he believes is the world’s most dangerous and “evil” political and ideological movement.

Geller was named by ISIS as a threat on one of the jihadist group’s affiliated websites.

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