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Five Computer Security Myths, Debunked by Experts

Alan Henry

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July 9, 2014

We're no strangers to helping you secure your computer, but there are some computer security myths and stories that keep getting passed around, even though they're clearly not true. We sat down with a few computer security experts to separate fact from fiction.

A few weeks ago, Wired shared their five biggest cybersecurity myths and the truth behind them. Their list is good, but we thought there had to be some computer security stories that everyday users still believe, even though they've either been long debunked, or because they keep getting spread around.

We sat down with computer security and forensics experts Frederick Lane and Peter Theobald to get to the truth behind some security myths we've all heard on a regular basis.

Myth #1: No One Would Want To Hack Me, I Don't Have Anything Worth Taking