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Hands Off the Internet!

Matt Haws, Campaign for Liberty

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May 31, 2012

The Internet – and along with it, the entire technological revolution – is now in the government’s crosshairs.

Of course, for years, government officials have turned up their nose at the Internet - aghast that something so “unregulated” (i.e. “FREE!”) could be allowed to exist.

But today – they have a new unspoken reason for their HATE.

And it’s you and me.

That’s why I’m hoping I can count on to you sign your special Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY!

I’ll give you the link shortly . . .

But first, let me tell you why this fight deserves your attention – and your generous support.

You and I both know how hard it would have been for the incredible growth our Liberty movement has seen in recent years to have taken place without the Internet.

So right now, the Big Government statists are scheming to suffocate the technological revolution in a ball of bureaucratic red tape . . .

Their excuse? 

Our well-meaning government overlords are going to “protect consumers” like you and me with “net neutrality,” “open access,” and, of course, their favorite – “cybersecurity.”

But dig a little deeper, and you will find all we’ll get is higher costs, new taxes, lost or slower access - and government snoops expanding their “data mining” capabilities to spy on our every move.

In fact, just recently, we’ve seen a torrent of massive new regulatory schemes rearing their ugly heads in Congress, including: 

***  Internet Sales Taxes designed to hike the price of goods sold over the Internet;

***  The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would give the government the power to shut down any website simply because someone made the “allegation” there was a copyright violation;

***  The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA), which would gut privacy laws and allow Internet providers and websites to hand over personal data to ANY agency in the federal government;

***  The Internet “Kill Switch,” which would allow the President to shut down the entire Internet at a moment’s notice.

And this December, the United Nations is meeting to come up with even MORE recommendations for international Internet regulations!

The Wall Street Journal called it “a wake-up call for the world’s two billion web users, who take for granted the light regulation of the Internet.”

That’s why it’s vital you sign the Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY!

And if you possibly can, I hope you’ll agree to a generous contribution of $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - today.

Every dollar you give will help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more Americans to STOP the statists’ assault on Internet freedom.

You see, it’s not just our liberty movement that’s at stake. 

What’s left of our fragile economy could be, as well.

Over the past several years, the technological revolution – operating largely outside of government’s bureaucratic stranglehold - has fueled one of the few bright spots in our economy.

It's unlocked individual self-empowerment, entrepreneurialism, creativity, innovation, and the creation of markets in ways never before imagined in human history.

In fact, the iPhone App alone has been responsible for creating nearly half a million jobs in the United States since the iPhone was introduced.

All in less than five years - WITHOUT government permission, partnerships, subsidies, or regulations!

But the statists don’t care about the cost to the economy of shutting down or regulating the Internet.

The statists don’t care about all the new jobs created over the past few years.

They only care about one thing – and one thing only.



In one example of what happens when the government gets too much uncontested control, the FCC, which has been charged by Congress with assigning spectrum rights through transparent, market-based auctions, has actually conducted very few fair and transparent auctions.

Spectrum is the invisible airwaves that mobile devices, broadcast television, and FM radio use to communicate, and private ownership of spectrum is forbidden by government.

But since government controls the right, it picks the winners and the losers.

Instead of being fairly allocated, government involvement in spectrum has essentially created one of the largest corporate welfare programs in history.

And they can’t wait to get their hands on the immense treasure trove of private personal information on virtually every American that total control of the Internet would give them . . .

Just imagine government bureaucrats with everything about what you read, what you watch, what you buy, what you say, whom you talk to - and what you think about THEM – all at their fingertips.

That’s why, if you and I are serious about restoring liberty in this country, these are not battles you and I can afford to lose.

But sadly, with a constant rash of attacks coming from virtually every direction, winning these battles is NOT going to be easy.

Instead of trying to ram just one or two schemes through Congress, it seems like the statists’ strategy is to kill the Internet by 1,000 cuts.

So our one chance is to send a LOUD AND CLEAR message to Congress: 


But we must act fast.

After the stinging defeat the statists took over SOPA recently, they WILL be back for blood - especially with the November 2012 election rapidly approaching.

New fights are rearing their ugly heads virtually every week.

After all, the statists would love nothing more than to shut you and me up before Election Day – or at least try to ramp up Internet regulations to force us into virtual silence!

The only good news is, if you and I can turn up the heat now, we can win.

But it won’t be easy – or cheap.

So I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE contribution of $50, $25, or $25 to help me turn up the heat on Congress to keep our Internet free.

Your signed Protect Internet Freedom Mandate and your generous financial support will both play a critical part in helping me turn up the heat on Congress.

In fact, a generous contribution of $50, $25, or $10 will help me:

>>>  Contact up to 12 MILLION Americans by direct mail, email, and telephone to urge them to turn up the heat on Congress to stop any attempt to shut down Internet freedom;

>>>  Generate petitions, postcards, emails, and phone calls to members of Congress to remind them of the price they’ll pay should they even think about increasing Internet regulations;

>>>  Pay for hard-hitting Internet, radio, and - if I can raise the money – TV ads to make sure politicians really start to feel the American people’s opposition to their radical schemes.

But I can’t do it without your support, and it’s absolutely critical we launch this fight now.

This is not a battle you and I can afford to lose.

So please, sign the Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY and agree to your most generous contribution of $50, $25, or $10 right away.

There’s not a moment to waste. 

Sign your Protect Internet Freedom Mandate TODAY!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes

Vice President

P.S.  Thanks to the massive liberty movement that has been fueled by the Internet over the last few years, Big Government politicians are using every weapon in their arsenal to shut you and me down – and shut us up.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the Protect Internet Freedom Mandate IMMEDIATELY and agree to your most generous contribution.

Help send a loud and clear message to politicians of BOTH political parties – HANDS OFF THE INTERNET!