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President Obama Seizes the Internet !

Grassfire Nation Update

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A party-line vote of 3-2 has claimed the Internet for President Obama and his liberal cohorts!

The Federal Communications Commission vote, which took place yesterday, now gives the federal government authority to  regulate, ration and control what you see and hear on the Internet.

THIS IS A SERIOUS BLOW TO FREE SPEECH RIGHTS... and must be met with deafening cries of protest from grassroots  Americans nationwide!

+ +  Grassroots Response to Be Quick and Sustained!

Just this week, Grassfire Nation delivered more than 78,000 petitions and letters to each of the five FCC commissioners opposing any move to regulate the Internet.

Amazingly more than half of the total number of petitions  came over the last 48 hours leading to the delivery -- a  testament to the incredible viral powers of our team!

Now we are calling on you again...

This time we need to quickly build a coalition of at least  100,000 citizens as we direct our attention to Congress -- demanding they use their power to reverse what amounts to another statist grab by the Obama administration!

Forward this important alert to 30-40 conservative friends and family -- all of whom probably make regular use of the  Internet.

Let them know that Obama's objective is to silence the conservative message under the guise of "freedom and fairness," and urge them to take a stand with you by signing our national petition opposing this FCC takeover of the Internet.

Click here to sign our petition:

Congress is set to convene on January 24, and we want to  have tens of thousands of petitions greeting them when  they arrive!

We believe this battle is just beginning, and we want to make certain the New Congress understands the importance of acting swiftly to undo this latest Obama-wrong!

Thank you for standing with Grassfire Nation.


P.S. Again, forward this message to 30-40 friends alerting  them to this blow to our Free Speech Rights. Urge them to add their name to our petition by clicking here now:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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