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Disclosure of Major Minuteman Wiretapping Lawsuit, and Civil Rights Prosecution of Rogue Federal Agents

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SUBJECT: Disclosure of Major Minuteman Wiretapping Lawsuit, and Civil Rights Prosecution of Rogue Federal Agents

An amazing and true story of the attempted assassination of a law abiding Christian American from Orange County California while he was sitting with his wife in North Western Europe in 2005. All is thoroughly proven, including several orders signed by Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales. The international arrest warrant said he was a weapons dealer who was armed, violent and that before fleeing to NW Europe he told Police officers he wouldn't be taken alive. All of which was false, and they knew it.

You're bidding on two things:

1. Some disclosure of his lawsuit against the rogue agents which started the entire wiretapping controversy we all saw on TV every day from December 2005 until 2007. This is proven. The case is still actionable, as the statute of limitations to proceed on this civil rights lawsuit was correctly served to the agents in December 2005, with law enforcement as witnesses. It will not expire until December 11th, 2011. This is for freedom of all.

2. The ability to conduct the first interview directly with the Minuteman. To have rights to release a summary of the Minuteman's story of being persecuted and almost killed for obeying the current laws of America.

Everyone heard of this legal challenge to the FBI, termed "the wiretapping controversy" of 2006-2007 which the world still hasn't stop talking about, even now. This all came about in response to this, my lawsuit, which forced these agents in their defense to disclose to the media that under the Patriot Act they could wiretap anyone. Since there is no law , only acts and regulations they have that they followed, I had them when I required their disclosure of the law authorizing their investigation.

  "An unconstitutional Act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." -- (16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256: Norton vs. Shelby County, 118, US 425 p. 442)

No one heard about the illegal wiretapping going on until this case was launched against the FBI agents personally for violating the law. Within two short days they had already ran to the media and had to get a story published that it was common knowledge they could wiretap anyone. This was required by them, or else they would be held liable in court for the number of violations enumerated in my lawsuit. However, the public didn't buy it, and it created a great outcry on many levels. The cries were heard around the world against this tyranny, no matter what George Bush would say. His popularity sank to it's lowest at that time.

The day of returning to law and order may soon come, if this case can get it's day in court. This first interview will be part of the first step of fundraising so this man can pay for the counsel as well as cover himself from any onslaught by the government, slander committees and to pay for his family to remain safe during the ordeal. After the launch of this story and the publicity he many never again be able to hold a normal job, and so would need to change his entire life.

Rogue FBI agents will be made accountable at least to follow the law in disclosing what law authorized their investigation. They must be made to answer for the persecuting of regular Americans who obey the laws of America . In specific this good American was obeying the law to be part of the "unorganized militia". As the civil militia is not part of the federal army (found in U.S.C. Title 10 section 311 b), it is to be well regulated enough to be called forth by Congress, or their Governor, or the President to repel invasion or to stop tyrannical insurrections by a few elite, and enforce the laws of America . This class is defined in US law as the "unorganized militia" in the above law which says they are not part of the National Guard, and are all able bodied males that are citizens of their state, ages 17 and over. The whole body of citizens, also called the civil militia, whose right to bear arms cannot be infringed "being necessary to the security of a free State " (Second Amendment). Obedience to this law is this good man's only sin, a sin against the new regime. His militia immunity was disregarded and this young man was let to rot in a dungeon for over 13 months with no access to counsel, and almost died from a stroke. This young man had a clean record and of high standing in Christian church and the community. After his release, he was then barred from releasing his story, or writing anything that could be considered "disruptive" for over two years, or he could face the maximum sentence for the automatic rifles charges. He is now finally released from this Federal Probation, and can come forward with this full amazing story.

Your bid on Ebay is for the first most important public interview, with options for exclusive rights to the story and book. All the proceeds will go towards this legal battle for freedom and lawful order.

We are asking some of the foremost leaders in publishing to consider the value of the explosive public awareness of government misconduct and what may be the most prudent method for presenting this important historic event.  Effective presentation of this story requires the finest quality of communication and the broadest dissemination.  Your prompt response will be appreciated.

John Mikkelsen

Independent Agent

+1 (858) 237-9780

Note: This auction is selling the rights to have the first interview on this historic event, directly with the Minuteman. The winning bidder will get the minimal documentation as well. The winner will have rights to interview him directly and publish the story in print or to broacast on any medium, television, radio, etc. Full detailed information comes out in the book which is not part of the bid today. This first interview is the most expensive.

Nov. 16, 2010