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Australian Internet Censorship (Updated Dec. 18, 2009)

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-From: SD
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:08 AM
Subject: Australian Internet Censorship
Hi Everyone,
Just in - Conroy going ahead with Censorship.
This is really important.  We need lots of voices to change this.  Don't be a sheep. Say something.  Or your freedom will be lost.
While this has to do with Australia, it's important this goes worldwide.  We are the test case.  What happens here will happen to you whether you live in the UK, America or wherever you are.
Make this go viral, send to all your friends here in Australia and also to those who live abroad.  Send it everywhere.
If you feel this loss of freedom is not important, then just delete.  Think before you delete. 
I've responded to Get Up's call - will you?  It takes 5 minutes of your time to send 2 emails, for freedom of information.  Once it's gone, it's gone.
Read email below from Get Up, all the links are there to respond.  It's easy.
Suzi Dawson
----- Original Message -----
From: GetUp
  To: SD
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:42 PM
Subject: Just in: Conroy going ahead with censorship

Dear SD,

Stephen Conroy has just announced his Government will censor all internet traffic with a mandatory ISP-level filter.

Over 120,000 Australians have taken a stand against his flawed scheme that will do little more than divert funds away from where they're needed most, and now he plans to bring legislation before Parliament next year. Can you send him an email or fax letting him know your reaction to this announcement?

Senator Conroy has made this announcement in the face of overwhelming public opposition, expert industry advice, and even calls from child protection groups to drop this scheme. It will hand over control of what we can see online to an unaccountable government body - with no way to tell what they're blocking.

Senator Conroy was planning to sneak this announcement through before Christmas, hoping we wouldn't notice. We need to act quickly to make sure the Government is not let off the hook. Help us flood Senator Conroy's inbox and fax machine to make sure he understands that the weight of public opinion is against him on this issue:

When this legislation comes before the Senate, the Government will need to negotiate to get an outcome - and that's where this movement is so well placed for impact. This campaign is far from over, and sending a clear reaction to this announcement is the best way you can keep it alive today.

Thanks for all that you do,

The GetUp team

PS - The Government's announcement needs to be met with our reaction - they're hoping to sneak the plan past us as we turn off for the holidays. Click here to tell Stephen Conroy how you feel about his plans for mandatory internet censorship.


----- Original Message -----
From: CLD
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 12:42 PM
Subject: Australian Internet Censorship

If people really want to contact Mr. Conroy, use this email address:

I for one am dubious about using someone's website to write to a Government Official.  Go right to the source!
