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Important Notice

Sorcha Faal

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Sorcha Faal" <>
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 11:21 AM
Subject: Important Notice

Dear supporters of the Sisters,

I'm not going to lie to you folks, we need your help, and we need it now

or we're through.  This global economic crisis isn't only hitting you,

it's hitting us too, and even if you don't know it, all of what's

happening now has been specifically designed to take out and destroy all

opposition to the forces rapidly implementing what they are calling a

New World Order.

What is happening now is nothing new either, as with every recorded

instance in human history when the brutal hand of suppression has

descended upon an unsuspecting populace; the voices of opposition were

the first to be silenced.

Are you going to let that happen to us?  Well, nearly 85% of you are

because even though you come for our information day after day and year

in and year out, you won't even give $1 in return.

As to the reasons why you don't I can assure you that the main one is

because you have been conditioned to accept the lie that everything on

the Internet is free.  Well, not only isn't everything on the Internet

free, but by your non-support you are contributing to a decline in

opposition voices against those forces seeking to enslave you at a rate

unprecedented in human history.

Even worse, unlike the Sisters efforts during World War II and the

enslavement of the Russian peoples during 70 years of horrific communist

rule, and their current efforts in China, Vietnam and Egypt (to just

name a few of the peoples being helped) you are not being asked to put

your own lives on the line like so many other brave souls have done.

No. All you're being asked for is the smallest of pittance to help us

continue to help you.

In just 3 days time we will begin having to drastically begin cutting

back our efforts because of your non-support, and I have just one

question to ask you.are you proud of that?

TODAY, not tomorrow, not next week, not even next year.YOU are being

called upon,  for maybe the first time in your life, to stand up for,

and behind, what you believe in.

Do you have the COURAGE to do that? 

I'm hoping that you do, otherwise all will be lost, the monsters will

win, and someday in the near future, as you, and your family, are carted

off to the gulags, remember these words spoken by the British Prime

Minister Winston Churchill to his people as they, and they alone, faced

near total destruction at the hands of a Nazi regime intent upon their


"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."

What kind of life are YOU making for yourself?

Thank you for your time in reading this, and before all is lost, please

go to and give what you can, it is sorely

needed, and your gift will be greatly appreciated.





Please find, below, some emails, and replies to them, you may find


Nina wrote:

Hello Sorcha TEAM and all

I have read the letter attentively and felt your mood and need for

support. We are meant to take care of each other and it can expressed

in the different ways. I represent a totally public and volunteer

Education for Life movement and had the courage to event make a step

into a free world without any salaries. I have been wandering for

creating teams of conscious and brave people who can change the world

by creating a new collective CREATIVE energy!

We have also been maintaining our web

site together with Claude Veziau - my close friend from Canada - just

for free. I would be happy to send 1 and some but we are in the same

situation - and I know that people who hear you and have somth in

their pockets will send the money for sure!

I and we wish you to go on be courageous and realize the importance of

our WORDS energy and spread the creative info that exists already on

this planet - lots of web sites are devoted to spearing a word about

new plants of a new life that grows through the difficulties of the

old civilization and we should find these positive examples because

people need to rush themselves from the pool of the old type of life

based on fear.

with gratitude and very best wishes

Nina Goncharova - Russia

Claude Veziau - Canada and Planet 3000 team

cc to Claude Veziau


Reply to Nina:

Hello Nina,

Thank you for your kind words of encouragment and support, and you are

indeed right, all of us are in this together, I just wish more people

would wake up to this fact before all is lost, especially sites like the

Sisters and yours that are being crushed to death by skyrockting costs

at the same time hundreds of thousands of more people are seeking us out

by the month.

All the best and please keep in touch,



Laurie wrote:

Shaming and threatening folks ... way to go ... don't believe the true

"sisters" would be pleased...right now the internet is free and what we


our eyes, minds and time to OUR CHOICE as it is yours...truth is truth


it is/should be free for all...if you choose to withhold the truth


you are not compensated for speaking it to the masses, so be it...that


your choice ...the spirit behind emails like this is opposite of the

truth.... If I as a see-er or prophet withheld my visions until people


well paid for them, what kind of person would I be to do that?

Seriously...but each has their choice ...some of us choose to GIVE our


regardless and WORK at other things in order to sustain our lives and


families...I encourage you to think about that before shaming,


threatening and assuming things about those you say you want to help


the truth"...


Reply to Laurie:

Hello Laurie, I'm only writing back to you because it is people like you

who are destroying the entire fabric of information for an entire world

needing the truth now more than ever. 

Far from your statement that the 'internet is free', the truth is that

the internet is the most expensive medium of information exchange in the

entire history of the world, with the latest estimates of its cost put

at over $85 Trillion!

From the very computer you are reading this email on, to the operating

system on that computer that allows the many software applications to

run, to the cable that goes from your computer to the router that

connects you to a server at your ISP that routes your information to

countless routers and servers all over the world, to the electricity

that runs everything and the estimated 1,800 power plants built over the

past two decades to make this electricity, to all of these and too many

other connections to mention, your simplistic statement belies your

ignorance of how staggering the costs have been that allow you to make

the statement..."the internet is free".

And, as to your comment about my "shaming and threatening folks", you

couldn't be more further from truth as what I had written was called the

plain and simple truth and neither I, nor anyone else, has ANY ability

to shame, ridicule or threaten anyone, those emotions lie soley within

you and if you feel them look inside yourself, not at me or anyone else.

Thank you for writing,



Sergey wrote:

Dear community,

I know that the Internet is not for free - I've rented my server myself

in Russia, knowing that Germany isn't a free country - I started to be

prosecuted by german administration and police and I now had to

emigrate, just for telling the truth. But when the money ended each

month - there's still a lot of month lasting. But I continue to maintain

the server, we cannot just shut our mouthes and look how everything is

going down. Sorry, same situation.

Kind regards  'Rumpelstilz' of ''


Reply to Sergey:

Hello Sergey,

You bring up one important, and big, problem facing all of us telling

the truth, persecution and prosecution by governments intent on bringing

us down. From the attacks on our servers and computers which we have to

spend tens of thousands on to protect every year, to those who work for

us having to be moved from country to country to keep from being

arrested, tortured, or worse, to all of these and more, the people we

serve the most continue to hide their eyes from.

But like us dear Sergey, and even though there is always 'more month

than money', let's keep our faith that these people will wake up and see

the truth before all is lost.

With many thanks,



Brian wrote:

I like your articles, very good information, but I am NOT an 

American, I am an Australian and I live in Australia, I would like to 

help you, but my income is VERY limited ( 1/4 the average wage here 

in Aust. about US$200.00 per week and I have to pay 1/3 rent out of 

that and live of what is left )

I am sorry, I cannot help you, I wish I could.

Brian McLeod


Reply to Brian:

Dear Brian,

One of the most important lessons I learned upon joining the Sisters

efforts many years ago was this..."To those whom much has been given,

much is required", and for those in positions such as yours that have

nothing to give but a kind word of support, that is MORE than enough!

Those to whom we speak at with our appeals know who they are, and they

aren't you or others like you, so let no words of mine, or the Sisters,

every disuade you from visiting with us.

Thank you for your support and writing to us,



  Sorcha Faal