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Anyone who contradicts the corrupt, communist-run WHO is now in automatic violation of YouTube’s policies

Ethan Huff

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A growing compendium of scientific evidence is linking 5G exposure to increased severity of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, though YouTube doesn’t want you to know about this.

The Google-owned video platform, which for years has been censoring information that it deems unworthy of consideration, says that any allegation of 5G exacerbating Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infections is a “conspiracy theory,” and in violation of the platform’s guidelines.

Even just questioning the official story of the World Health Organization (WHO), YouTube’s ministry of propaganda for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), is no longer in line with YouTube’s “community guidelines,” which command total obedience to the globalist entity’s decrees about the pandemic.

It is also no longer permitted to question or speak against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) itself, such as asking hypothetically whether it’s really as serious as authorities are claiming.

“Now any content that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, as described by the WHO and local health authorities, is in violation of YouTube policies,” a company spokesman is quoted as saying in a recent statement.

“This includes conspiracy theories which claim that the symptoms are caused by 5G.”

According to YouTube, anything other than what the WHO is saying about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is “medically unsubstantiated,” and thus not allowed on the YouTube platform because it might interfere with people rushing out to get treatment at the first signs of symptoms.

“We have clear policies that prohibit videos promoting medically unsubstantiated methods to prevent the coronavirus in place of seeking medical treatment, and we quickly remove videos violating these policies when flagged to us,” the statement from YouTube goes on to explain.

“For borderline content that could misinform users in harmful ways, we reduce recommendations. We’ll continue to evaluate the impact of these videos on communities around the world.”

Be sure to listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about some of the science showing that 5G does, in fact “turbo-charge” the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and make its symptoms even worse:

Brighteon will NEVER censor video content dealing with the health risks of 5G

YouTube recently pulled a London Real video featuring David Icke, who believes that 5G is part of a much larger globalist plot to take over society and control humanity. Icke discussed how people in Europe are now destroying 5G towers, and that an increasing number of people everywhere are opposed to their installation.

Whether Icke’s claims are fully true, partially true, or not true at all is beside the point. What’s disturbing is that, once again, YouTube has taken it upon itself to police all content that doesn’t regurgitate the official government narrative on any given topic, in this case the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Such behavior is precisely why we created the platform, which exists as a free speech alternative to YouTube. You won’t find any censorship of content on there that deals with the very real health risks associated with 5G technology, regardless of its link to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

We tend to agree with Icke’s overall conclusion that, “If 5G continues and reaches where they want to take it, human life as we know it is over … so people have to make a decision.”

Again, this is true regardless of a potential link to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) because 5G uses intense, millimeter wave radiation to deliver coverage, and this type of radiation does not mesh well with the human frame, to put it simply.

You can learn more about the dangers of 5G by checking out the powerful documentary film 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event.

You can also keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) by checking out

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