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Vimeo bans Project Veritas, Natural News on the same day as criminal tech giants collude to silence independent journalism

Mike Adams

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The video platform Vimeo has banned Project Veritas and Natural News on the same day, taking part in the criminal collusion among tech giants who are systematically silencing independent journalism that keeps exposing the criminality of the tech giants themselves.

Two days ago, Project Veritas released a bombshell video showing a Google executive named Gen Jennai who admitted on camera that Google is engaged in a massive criminal scheme to alter election outcomes and silence conservative speech. Google’s video platform YouTube, to the surprise of no one, banned that video in a desperate effort to silence the explosive revelations. (Yes, Google censored a video that exposed Google’s censorship, thus proving the video’s merits yet again.)

Despite being banned by YouTube, the video remained available on Vimeo, Bitchute and, where it continued to gain huge viewership.

Yesterday, in an act of obvious criminal collusion with Google, Vimeo disabled the Project Veritas account, shutting off all its videos and taking down the particular video that revealed Google’s “massive criminal enterprise” which is now openly admitted to by one of its own executives.

You can watch the full video here, via, the free speech alternative to YouTube:

Vimeo bans Natural News on the same day, proving Vimeo is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to commit fraud and racketeering

Also yesterday, Vimeo banned Natural News for no reason whatsoever, other than to continue silencing independent journalists who are exposing the massive criminal fraud and racketeering of the tech giants.

It is now abundantly obvious that these tech giants are conspiring and colluding to carry out acts of extreme criminality and fraud against the world.

1. @YouTube bans @Pinterest investigation

2. @Twitter suspends Veritas for Pinterest story

3. @reddit bans Project Veritas

4. @YouTube bans @Google investigation

5. @Vimeo removes Project Veritas account



Here’s what Natural News admins now see when logging in to Vimeo:

And here’s a report of Project Veritas being banned by Vimeo on the same day:

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 BREAKING has REMOVED Project Veritas saying: "You cannot upload videos that are hateful, defamatory, or discriminatory." Perhaps we embarrassed but NOTHING we said was hateful, defamatory, or discriminatory. They're trying to erase us from the internet.

e as long as these tech tyrants are allowed to run roughshod over basic human rights and civil liberties. It’s time for the CEOs of these tech giants to be arrested and criminal prosecuted for their coordinated, criminal collusion and fraud.