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Zionists: God's Lying People

By Kahlid Amayreh

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ample Golda Meir, the infamous former Israeli premier, who once claimed that the Palestinian people didnt exist. The evil woman insisted that Palestine was a land without a people for a people without a land.

The lie did gain currency in the West, where the mass media are controlled by Jews, and where big lies as such are converted into truths glorified by millions.

Sometimes, Zionist mendacity goes to far-fetched extents. A few years ago, for example, some Zionists claimed that it was the Hebrews who built the Pyramids in Egypt during the reigns of the pharos. This wasnt strange, coming from the very people who claimed that a Jewish Patriarch overpowered the all-omnipotent and dragged Him to the ground, the very same people who teach their kids that a rabbi argued with God and eventually refuted the Almightys argument.

In 1997, Zionists came up with another cardinal lie. Seeking to legitimize their illegal usurpation of Jerusalem, they claimed that Jerusalem was founded by the Israelites 3000 years ago, implying that the city had not existed prior to King Solomon. Thus, the long and rich history of the Jebusites and other Cannanite tribes who founded and populated the city from 5000 BC to 2000 BC was so lightly scrapped into oblivion through one more crafty lie by the professional liars.

The Zionists never tire of concocting lies, especially when the lies happen to serve their interests. Their lie-producing mills seem to work round-the-clock.

Now we are told that many Palestinian parents hate their own children, so much that they send them to hurl stones at Israeli occupation soldiers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in order to get killed.

The nefarious lie is relentlessly disseminated throughout the world, especially in the West, in order to justify, or at least mitigate the evil of ongoing Zionist atrocities perpetrated against defenseless Palestinian men, women and children whose only crime is their enduring desire to be free of Zionist barbarism.

Unfortunately, the big lie occasionally finds its way through to the unquestioning minds of some gullible Europeans, such as the queen of Sweden, who publicly lamented the utter lack of compassion on the part of Palestinian mothers toward their children.

And in America, the lie is almost readily accepted as an undisputed reality, given the absolute Jewish grip on the media and the show business.

So the twisted logic serves the Zionists original malicious purpose, namely the dehumanization of the Palestinian people and the justification of the killing of their children and the arrogation of their rights and land by Zionist Jews.

Thus, the trigger-happy killers who shoot to kill and aim at the upper parts of the children bodies are civilized soldiers innocent of any guilt, and the nefarious kids, who threat the safety of the soldiers, are the guilty ones since they purposefully intrude into the firing range of the sharpshooters.

It is not easy to respond to this kind of virulent lies which emanate from a virulent mentality and which epitomizes racism and embodies evil in its most sinister way. It is a mentality that is so prone to evil that it is useless to appeal to its human senses of justice and simple fairness. They have non of that.

For how could a normal mentality, with the minimal of intellectual honesty, claim that a child who may be playing in the backyard of his home, or in his schools playground, or sitting in the veranda of his home, is blamed for his own death because he or his mother didnt make sure that he stayed out of the Zionists firing line.

Indeed, if, for the sake of argument, one was to give the big lie some consideration, one would eventually come to the conclusion that virtually all Palestinians are effectively in the range of Zionist bullets and that in order that they dot not get killed, they would have to leave their homeland entirely so that they may prove to Gods lying people that they dont hate themselves and their children.

But Palestinian hate, we are made to believe by Gods lying people, goes far beyond children.

Palestinians also hate their own houses, this is why they allow these houses to be demolished by Israeli army bulldozers.

The Palestinians also hate their live orchards and vineyards, by allowing these to be destroyed and uprooted by Israeli occupation army.

And, ultimately, the Palestinians probably hate their own homeland, which explains the fact that they didnt withstand more Zionist massacres when the Jewish state was created in 1948.

In brief, there seems to be no limit to what Gods lying people are capable of fabricating.

Sometimes, one gets the impression that the story of Isaac, his two sons Jacob and Esau and their mother Rebecca is reproduced every day by Zionist mill of mendacity......all for the purpose of hallowing the unholy, glorifying the lie and legitimizing the illegitimate.

Esau and Muhammed Durra must have much in common.
