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U.S. Wants Holocaust Records Released; Will Prove Factually That Only 74,000 People Died In WW-2 Concentration Camps!! U.S. Wants Holocaust Records Released; Will Prove Factually That Only 74,000 P

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Wed, 22 Feb 2006


Records from International Red Cross, housed in Germany, but German government says records should be kept secret.

Of course they want the records kept secret, those official records prove the "holocaust' is a big lie. If those records come out, it will prove that only 74,000 people died in those camps in WW-2, and they died from disease and starvation, nothing else. When the German People find out they've been forced into collective guilt for 60 years over a LIE, they will oust the German government.

While the German government worries about being ousted, jews are FAR more concerned. These records will expose the jews as having intentionally lied for decades. The records will prove that people in those camps.were reunited with their families, but many of those families deliberately defrauded people for years, claiming benefits

for a "holocaust" which did not happen.

This message, taken verbatim from the Hal Turner web-site, is furnished as a Public Service by Wayne Blanchard.

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Dispute Over Holocaust Archive

By a Correspondent

A call to open up a huge archive about victims of the Holocaust has sparked an international row.


The United States wants the files of the International Tracing Service, which holds information on 17.5 million people, to be made available to historians. But Germany and Italy and the archive are opposing the move over concerns that it could lead to lawsuits claiming that personal details were given out illegally, The New York Times reported. The archive, held at Bad Arolsen, Germany, is based in part on documents gathered by Allied forces as they liberated Nazi concentration camps.

The tracing service, part of the International Committee of the Red Cross, has used the files to help people to uncover the fates of relatives who disappeared during the Second World War.

The US says that because the task is now largely completed, the archive should be opened and used for scholarly research.

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----- Original Message -----

From: MW

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 2:15 AM

Subject: Irving's Day in Court

"I hope my fellow Old Brentwoodian Jack Straw does introduce legislation to make it a criminal offence subject to a two-year jail sentence to question the Holocaust. That will bring everything out into the open.

I shall claim the honour of being the first prosecuted by repeating the words for which I was fined £13,300 in Munich, banned from German territory and Second World War archives, namely ; 'The gas chamber shown to the tourists at Auschwitz is a fake built after the war by the Polish communists.' I assume a British court will permit us to call witnesses and evidence which the German courts denied us. (The Polish authorities have since admitted that the structure in question was built in 1948.” - David Irving, Historian. Sunday Times 20 October 1996.

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----- Original Message -----

From: MM

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:48 AM

Subject: Re: FW: Hal Turner Show

I hope so. I burned within when I heard yesterday about the British historian being sentenced to three years in prison for being a 'holocaust denier'.

Even when I lived in Europe, probably in Germany, I remember a German butcher coming forward and explaining how what they claimed happened in these gas chambers was impossible.

And I believe they said that Red Cross records (which were always taken as the ultimate source of factual records) showed that not more than 110,000 died.

It was also interesting after all the fuss in Germany about making each German city build a wall of tribute to those who died in the H, they stopped putting names up when the total reached just over 100,000 ....... and the issue died a natural death.