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Prosecutors Want Holocaust Denier Jailed

Michael Rivero- Opening Statement

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being hidden from the public.

Future history will recall Ernst Zundel in the same breath with Galileo and Giordano Bruno, while already the names of their persecutors are forgotten.

Truth needs no law to enforce it. Nobody needs a law to know that there is just one sun at the center of the solar system. Nobody needs a law to force them to understand that two hydrogen atoms plus one oxygen atom makes up a molecule of water. Nobody needs a law to force them to understand that the acceleration of gravity is a constant. Truth is like that, obvious to all.

Throughout history, laws that punished ideas were used to support lies, not truth. Galileo was punished by law of his day for daring to suggest that the Sun was the center of the solar system. The law protected the lie that the Earth was the center of the universe. The lie that the Earth was the center of the universe NEEDED laws to protect it because there was no evidence to support that claim. In the middle ages, laws that condemned accused witches to horrific deaths were matched with laws that made it illegal to question the reality of witches. The claim that witches were real NEEDED a law to protect it, because there was no evidence that witches were riding their broomsticks up over the top of our homes or turning themselves into black cats.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Only lies require laws to force them upon the public.

I can think of nothing more dangerous to the world than this odious attempt to lead the world into a new dark age where fear rules fact and reason. ~Michael Rivero


Prosecutors want Holocaust denier jailed

January 26th 2007

MANNHEIM, Germany - Prosecutors asked a court Friday to give a man the maximum sentence of five years in prison for persistently denying the Holocaust.

In his closing argument, prosecutor Andreas Grossmann called Ernst Zundel a "political con man" from whom the German people must be protected, widely quoting from his writings, which argue that millions of Jews did not die at the hands of the Nazis.

"You might as well argue that the sun rises in the west," Grossmann said. "But you cannot change that the Holocaust has been proven."

Zundel, 66, is charged with 14 counts of incitement for a series of pamphlets and for disseminating far-right and anti-Semitic propaganda through his Web site, according to the indictment. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany and is punishable by three months to five years in prison.

Zundel was deported from Canada in 2005 and has also lived in Tennessee. Since his deportation, he and his supporters have argued that Zundel is a peaceful campaigner denied his right to free speech.

Attorney Herbert Schaller, one of five lawyers representing Zundel, told the court in his closing argument Friday that all of its evidence that the Holocaust took place was based on witness reports, instead of hard facts.

Several of Zundel's other attorneys have said they will also making closing arguments when the trial continues next week.