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Into the Vortex

John Kaminski

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most comfortable, most familiar face you could ever imagine.

In your haste, you had forgotten the message etched in your heart so long ago.

In a world drowning in white noise and extra-dimensional manipulative conundrums, her voice bathed you like warm rain on a cold day.

"It doesn't matter what you say," she said, "it matters what you do."• • •

" . . . A gentile ... is liable for the death penalty . . . if he has invented a religious holiday for himself."

—Maimonides, the most famous Jewish philosopher

Into the vortex. The United States of America is about to be plunged into a race war on our soil that will reduce us to wandering beggars on the scale of Haiti. A recent Harvard study predicts 55 million new homes will be built in the coming decades ... in Mexico.

This plan was all recounted some years back by Jackie Patru <>and Carol Valentine <>, two stalwarts in the fight against the 360-degree avalanche of Jewish control of the world, and every person in it.

The plan in a nut shell — as the Jews themselves tell it — is to exterminate non-Jews who refuse to embrace the Torah and enslave the survivors who will be saved out to serve the "master race", as they call themselves.

"And now, since the advent of the 9-11 war, the would-be leaders of this theocracy are stronger than ever. Little stands between them and the realization of their plans. This may sound incredible, but it is as real as the ground beneath your feet and as serious as a heart attack. I can document everything I have said.

Listening to Rev. James Wickstrom on the Hal Turner show (10/3/07) ... if Jewish control of the U.S. continues to intensify on the hyperbolic curve that it has manifested over the past 100 years, Christians and other non-Jews are scheduled to be ritually beheaded in America within two decades so Mexicans can buy our homes at greatly reduced prices. Sound fantastic? Remember the beheading of Nick Berg? Since the rabbinical Noahide laws in the U.S. have been in force since 1993 (approved by Congress and signed by Poppy Bush), this is the new law of the land, and most Americans don't even know it. See <> and <>

If you are a white American, chances are excellent that you are going to be either enslaved, imprisoned or killed by Jews in the next two decades.

Who do you think is doing the killing now? Powerful Jews control all the money in the world, and all the weapons as well. And all the newspapers, all the schools, all the doctors, all the lawyers, all the movie studios .... how much do you need to learn to break out of it. And can it be broken out of?

Valentine, quoted by Patru, goes on.

"The would-be theocratic leaders that Congress and our presidents have been promoting are members of a sect called Chabad Lubavitch, headquartered in Brooklyn, New York .... Lubavitchers are a subset of the Hasidic (sometimes spelled 'Chasidic') Jews. Doctrinally, Hasidic Jews rely on the Talmud, on the Zohar (the basic book of kabbalah or 'cabalah'), and on the Tanya (or 'Hatanya') written by the founder of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, Rabbi Shneur Zalman.

"Some consider the Zohar the basic book of magic in Judaism, but in fact the Talmud itself focuses heavily on sorcery, demonology, astrology, necromancy, etc., giving credit to even earlier Jewish manuscripts.

"The Chabad Lubavitchers also rely on the works of renowned Jewish teachers such as Maimonides. Of course they rely on the Torah; but note that the word 'Torah', in Jewish religious discourse, is somewhat elastic; it can denote (1) the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), (2) the Old Testament in its entirety, (3) the Old Testament in its entirety, and the Talmud, and (4) the entire body of Jewish religious literature.

"Reviewing the above, we can see that, doctrinally, Lubavitchers are not an aberration within Judaism. They are as much part of Judaism as the Dominicans are part of the Roman Catholic Church. It would be misleading to call the Lubavitch movement a 'cult' as some have done, without so naming mainstream Orthodox Judaism.

Some of the most powerful men in America are Lubavitchers, notably Paul Wolfowitz and Dov Zakheim (chief architects of the 9/11 caper) and Sen. Senator Joe Lieberman, former candidate for VP.

At the time, Mrs. Lieberman was quoted as saying how she never dreamed a "naturalized American citizen" could go so far politically. Valentine writes:

“It was mentioned that as a 'naturalized citizen' he would be exempt from running for office of president. Of course, that matters not to the ruling elite, for they make up the rules as they go along, changing, rearranging, and ignoring the 'law'.

The Jewish Virtual Library tells a similarly frightening story:

"More than 3,700 emissary couples work in more than 100 countries worldwide. Since 1995, more than 400 shlichim (emissaries) were assigned to new posts and more than 500 new Chabad institution [sic] have been established, bringing the total to nearly 2,600 institutions (seminaries, day camps, schools, etc) worldwide. According to headquarters, almost one million children participates [sic] in Chabad activities worldwide in 1999."

The report at this point details the slaughter of 29 Muslims who were praying at a Mosque in Hebron in 1994. The killer was Baruch Goldstein, who -- according to a Jewish Week memorial article the following year (2-24-95) — massacred them on Purim Eve. It also declared that:

"His [Goldstein's] family ancestry, through his mother, went back eight generations to the Baal Hatanya founder of the Lubavitch dynasty."

Lubavitchers don't want to convert non-Jews to Judaism — they want Jews to understand they are a class apart from everyone else, Valentine writes.

"In a letter he wrote in 1964, the cult’s icon Rabbi Schneerson deplored intermarriage of Jews with non-Jews, calling it 'spiritual cremation', and called the concepts of freedom, equality, and integration 'misconceived ideals'.

"This is particularly amusing, inasmuch as the Jews ed the movement to forcibly integrate the South which resulted in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism tells us that: "Why Torah obligates all Jews in this campaign:

"A gentile . . . is liable for the death penalty . . . if he has invented a religious holiday for himself . . . The general principle is we do not allow them to make new religious rituals and to make 'mitzvahs' ['commandment'; sometimes 'good deed or blessing] for themselves by their own devices . . . if he does make some new 'mitzvah,' we lash him, punish him, and inform him that he is obligated [sic] with the death penalty for this." (Rambam Mishne Torah--Hilchose Melachim 10:9)

"So Christians or non-Christian Gentiles, according to the 'Rambam Mishne Torah' should be lashed, punished, and put to death if they insist on following their own religious practices, including celebration of non Jewish religious holidays, such as Christmas.

"What is the Rambam Mishne Torah? The Rambam is none other than Maimonides, the well-known Sephardic Jewish writer who lived in Spain between 1135 and 1204 AD, one of the great fathers of Judaic thought; the Mishne Torah is one of his best known works. See the 'Sephardic Sages' webpage at:

So take a look at your future, gentle goyim.

Excuse me, but would someone file a lawsuit that Judaism is not a religion; therefore, they can't claim religious persecution.

Judaism is not a religion, it's a crime scheme.

And this, second hand, from Alan Watt: Are the Ashkenazi Mongol Jews direct descendants of a Reptilian super race from Atlantis? At least that's not as farfetched as saying they're extraterrestrial. But they do seem to have some advantage, seeing as our Jewish controllers now control every aspect of our lives: media, government, money, medicine, education, music, and on and on. And they’re about to kill us all.

Hey baby. We are bacon frying in the pan — goyim bacon, that is.


The latest news from Iraq, courtesy of

AMSI Net sources indicated that total cleansing is being done now in Rasafa VI detention located in the headquarters of so-called "wolf brigade" formerly near the Oil Ministry.

AMSI Net Special - Prisoners were on hunger strike because of the arrival of security forces and the imaginary pretext of taking prisoners to court, but they kill and throwing their corpses.

They took the martyr (Ghazwan Khalid Ghazal) from the area (Hour Rajab) on the pretext of taking him to the court after they had been detained, killed him and threw his body. When his family came to visit today to find His body that was found later.

The sources said the detainees on hunger strike say it is good to die from starvation rather than to die on the hand of sectarian militias.

On the morning of 11 June 2007 during visiting relatives of the detainees women are treated with complete ferocity and subjected to gunfire over their heads and doused with pepper gas causing severe pain in the eyes and the following severe pain.

The sources pointed out that the detainees seeking to inform national organizations and human rights associations as soon as possible because time is not on their side and they fear being taken and killed the pretext of taking them to the court.



Perhaps the greatest scam of all — among many legit nominees — was the one that made Russia the enemy of the United States. It was Russia's sure commitment to Abraham Lincoln that actually won the Civil War for the United States and kept the Union together, after a two-pronged Rothschild power play got Britain and most other European countries to back the South in order to diminish the commercial power of the skyrocketing U.S. economy. Ten years later, in the event everybody forgets, Jewish bankers abrogated the U.S. Constitution in 1871 with the creation of the District of Columbia and the corporatizing of the USA. This action set the stage for numerous stock market crashes until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act effectively took half the profits of all Americans.

Prior to the Bolshevik revolution, Russia was America's surest ally, not a fair weather friend like Britain, France and other European countries who were always ready to profit from our misfortune. Small wonder, then, that Russia was the first major country taken down by the worldwide Jewish revolution, with key players and lots of cash shipped in from New York, and an entrenched media apparatus that made it all look like a revolution of Russians when in reality it was a foreign coup d'etat bought and paid for by the money machine that from then til now still controls the world's stage.

When Czar Alexander ordered his fleets to the key ports of New York and San Francisco in 1864, Lincoln and the Union were on the ropes, our ports were vulnerable, and European troops were in Mexico ready to invade. This is arguably the biggest favor any other nation has ever done for the USA. But the bankers who have run things for hundreds of years turned Russia into our biggest enemy.

Can we see how the power of Jewish media has changed our lives, and not for the good? How we have been shaped to believe in these mythological precepts that have been foisted upon us, that are clearly not in our best interests?

Most people live and die and never give these things much thought. They don't realize things get twisted for a purpose. And the purpose is robbery, murder and slavery.


I always liked to think I was ahead of everybody else in understanding what was going on in the world (which is what enabled me to see the 3,000-year history of the tribe with its hands wrapped around our throats).

So, in a way, my sinking beneath the floor of recognizability on the Internet, is again kind of a harbinger of what is about to happen to many of you in the coming months and years. It certainly was what has happened to many sincere souls, from Irwin Schiff and Dick Simkanin to Rudyard Kipling and Henry Ford. The message is clearly sent to the populace. Challenge the powers that be and you will not prosper. You have to go along to get along.

Crushed beneath the wheel of what they say is true.

We die with this question upon our lips: "Is it important that what you have said is not true, but merely an excuse to rob us?" That, in fact, is what the entire rest of the world is asking the United States, Britain and Israel, that terrible capitalist triumvirate now deliberately making wars and killing people. The jig is up. The story is out. The Western powers are killing people for money. Your question, Bucko, is what will you do when they come for you?


Throughout history, the purpose of the human struggle has been for intellectual honesty and the chance to live a forthright life without being somebody else's slave.

What has happened to me will one day soon happen to you. And what has happened to them will one day soon happen to us.

I’m not a Christian, but I think I’ll start wearing a crucifix. Why? To ward off the vampires.

John Kaminski is the author of America’s Autopsy Report, The Day America Died and The Perfect Enemy. His Internet essays have been seen on thousands of websites around the world. His website is currently being reconstructed. Please mail book orders and contributions to 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223, and direct all other inquiries to