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A Solution To Serial Wars within Our Grasp

By Charles E. Carlson

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"JUDEO-CHRISTIAN" LEADERS, both media celebrities and mega-church pastors, with only a few rare exceptions, are responsible for keeping serial wars going. Without the support of church leaders and airwave celebrities, not one of the recent wars could have been sold to the American public.

There is no other sizable cohesive population group that compares with "Judeo-Christianity," or "Christian-Zionists" (as it has more recently self-named) in its constant promotion of wars! Followers may not know why, but we must share in the guilt, for we have significantly abandoned the teaching of Christ to follow our Pharisee leaders on what Jesus might have called the "broad and easy way."

Most Celebrity-Christian leaders on this wide and prosperous route favor every war that is proposed by anyone, especially if Muslims are on the receiving end of the bombs, without any regard to the financial consequences. The blood from every death and casualty, be it Indian female soldier Lori Piestewa, the two Marines who died yesterday in a bombed out Hummer, or the thousands of maimed and starved Iraqi and Palestinian children, yes, EACH ONE'S BLOOD IS ON THE HANDS OF THE ENABLERS.

"WARMAKERS" ARE FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL OPPORTUNISTS who have discovered a way to influence mega-churches and religious celebrities into helping them establish various degrees of control over from 40-70 million (depending on which leader you listen to) relatively honest, moral Americans. It is from this base of practicing "Christians" that the political swing vote is maintained. Theirs is often a silent vote of assent for serial wars funded by the insidious reality of "dilution".

JOHN ADAMS, an activist of the first order and perhaps the prime initiator of the American Revolution, called the churches "THE MORAL COMPASS OF SOCIETY." Today's "Judeo-Christian" celebrities and their followers are the enablers of our Plague. Their acts reflect the degraded morality of today's society. How can a country find justice when its compass points in a wrong direction? Christian-Zionists are cued to orient themselves in the direction the Warmakers

desire, with the result that they become the enablers of the twin faces of our Plague--serial wars and dilution.

(Please Go to our Website for the rest of the story)

About us

Project Strait Gate has already challenged no less than thirty major churches and Judeo-Christian organizations at their place of business, including the Southern Baptist Convention, Benny Hinn, and

Jerry Falwell. We have nailed our message to their doors. This rewarding activity will take root and grow.


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Books and Tapes on War and Dilution:

ATTACK ON ISLAM. 2003, Charles E. Carlson authored a feature article In March, 1994, called "Attacking Islam" that was published in a national news magazine. W. Palmer reads this article as Mr. Carlson provides updates and commentary. Carlson observed that the U.S. "war of ideology" had been deliberately shifted away from a perceived "communist enemy" to a perceived Islamic enemy. Approx. 1 hr. 2002


An insightful presentation by C.E. Carlson and George Ganem on America's ascension to the role of serial wars architect: 60 min, audio.

TRAGEDY & HOPE: A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN OUR TIME by Georgetown and Harvard Professor Carroll Quigley, a 1350-page history of The Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve and more.

SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Eustace Mullins, a diligent researcher. The "secret" of the Federal Reserve Bank is that it is privately owned and controlled. Compiled from the now unavailable archives of the Library of Congress, the definitive classic study of the FED, 201 page hardcover 1993 Edition.

ROTHSCHILD MONEY TRUST by George Armstrong. The Rothschild Empire, gold, the Federal Reserve and how the "money trust" twice arranged for World Wars.

Calls and radio interviews are invited.


Strait Gate Ministries

P.O. Box 14491

Scottsdale, AZ 85267

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