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Noahide America

James Wathen

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e the unopposed federalism, which followed the Northern victory. Regardless, the Jewish dominance of our government is discernible by the first decade of the twentieth century in the two great triumphs of federalism which were achieved in 1913, the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Income Tax. From that time, the economy of the American Republic is properly described as “debt finance” and the American government has been the most implacable enemy of the American people.

Those who have troubled to find out the truth concerning these matters, have discovered that all the wars and most of the legislation has been dictated by the Judaeo-Masonic conspiracy, which has controlled our government, visibly to those who bothered to inform themselves, invisibly to those who refused to see, no matter how indubitable the evidence.

To those who were alive at the time, there was no explanation for the First World War; “the Great War,” it was called, as if its global scope and horror were something which gave it praiseworthy distinction. There was even less explanation as to how the US became involved in this conflict, in which hundreds of thousands of young Americans were killed and wounded for no clear reason and absolutely no benefit to anyone. Nevertheless, certain influential Jews wrote that the War would take place several years before it began. The involvement of the US is well-explained in a book called Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem by Issa Nakhleh. There it is told how a minority of Zionists from various parts of the world were able to leverage US Involvement in the War in return for the carrying out of the Balfour Agreement on the part of the British government. Before that time, the US had largely succeeded in following George Washington’s advice to keep clear of “foreign [especially European] entanglements;” since then, it has been entangled in world politics to such an extent that it has become the central player, and takes pride in calling itself “the world’s policeman.” This appelative is supposed to justify America’s intrusion into the affairs of every nation which has a problem. It is also a poorly veiled cover for American imperialism, which is its compulsion to establish as great control of every country it pretends to rescue as possible.

2. It should be known that the Zionist idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine (or anywhere else) was not espoused by the Jews worldwide. From the beginning, it was the cause of a minority, and remained so until the “State” of Israel became an historical reality, if not a legal one. Most people know that the two “fathers” of Zionism were Theodore Herzl (1860-1904) and Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952).

At Versailles (1919), in return for America’s involvement in the Great War and its part in the Allied victory, England was made the “mandatory” of Palestine, which meant that Turkey lost its imperial control of the area, and England was given the right to assist the people of Palestine in organizing their political affairs. Let those who interest themselves in the matter prepare to weep as they learn how the ruthless Zionists took possession of Palestine. Americans have greater reason to weep than anyone else, because it was their government which endorsed the dreadful happening from the beginning, and has done so to this very day. Had it not been for the manipulation of our government by a Zionist minority, this criminal enterprise would never have succeeded. In the two-volume Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, already referred to, a full description of how Jews, mainly from Russia, dispossessed the native Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews of their homeland, and drove them into the Arabian desert. Even greater poignancy is given the story by the fact that all this was taking place while the Jews were accusing and punishing hundreds of Germans for crimes against themselves (including the so-called “Holocaust”), of which they were not guilty. Here is a quotation:

“The Zionists rejected the British White Paper, and revolted against the British administration of Palestine. From 1939 to 1948 the three Zionist terrorist gangs (the Hagana, the Irgun and the Stern) carried out the most dastardly crimes and massacres against the civilian Arab population, as well as against the British authorities in Palestine. Practically every political and military leader in so-called Israel today was a member of one of these three Zionist terror gangs. Menahem Begin and Ittzhak Ysernitsky (now know as Yetzhak Shamir) were leaders of the worst of the gangs, namely the Irgun Z’vai Leumi and the Stern Gang, both of which committed thousands of terrorist crimes and massacres, including the blowing up of the King David Hotel on July 23, 1947, when 91 persons were killed and 45 were seriously injured.“ (Vol. I, p. 3).

Following is an example selected out of hundreds of accounts of how the Israeli came into possession of “their land.” Here is S. Kaplan’s description of the massacre of Dawayma, which exemplifies the pattern of these Zionist massacres:

“The village had been held by Arab ‘irregulars’ and was captured by the 89th Battalion (8th Brigade) without a fight. The first [wave] of conquerors killed about 80 to 100 Arab men, women and children. The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. ‘There was not a house without dead,’ wrote Kaplan. Kaplan’s informant, who arrived immediately afterwards in the second wave, reported that the Arab men and women who remained were then closed off in the houses “without food and water.” Sappers arrived to blow up the houses. One soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her. One woman with a new born baby in her arms was employed to clean the courtyard where the soldiers ate. She worked a day or two. In the end they shot her and her baby.” The soldier-witness according to Kaplan, said that “cultured officers...had turned into base murderers and this not in the heat of battle...but out of a system of expulsion and destruction. The less Arabs remained--the better. This principle is the motor for the expulsions and the atrocities.” (Ibid., p. 5).

Benny Morris states “that the atrocity was committed by the 8th Brigade but many there are former members of the LHI. LHI was the Hebrew acronym of the Stern gang, the terrorist organization led by Yitzhak Shamir.” (p. 5). As noted, these atrocities continued from 1945 to 1957 and afterwards.

3. All the wars of the twentieth century were the product of the international conspiracy whose ultimate goal was the raison c’etre of the League of Nations (and of the United Nations, its successor), namely, the establishment of a one world government. The “War against Terrorism,” which escalates as each day passes, has the purpose, according to President George Bush II, of transforming the Arab nations of the Middle East into “Western-style” democracies. The United States and Britain have undertaken to change the political makeup of all the Muslim states from Russia to Tunisia. It has built and continues to build American bases of operation throughout the Middle East, bases which it is easy to see are meant to serve far into the future. For the location of some of these bases and a description of their posh appointments consult The Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson.

A striking example of what I am referring to is the new embassy complex which the US Is now building in Baghdad. It will be situated on 104 acres of prime real estate on the banks of the Euphrates River. It will include 21 buildings, most of which will be at least seven stories high, ringed by a 15-foot thick wall; not 15 feet high, 15 feet thick. 8,000 workers will staff it You can see a London Times photo of this small city now under construction at,,7374-2162249,00.html. “The self-sufficiency and fortifications alone should raise eyebrows. They clearly mean either that Washington does not expect Iraq to be peaceful for a long, long time, or Washington does not expect its presence in Iraq to be welcome--or, more likely, both.” (R. Maybury).

4. In the years after the Second World War, Communism spread over the globe; from Russia to eastern and central Europe, to China, Southeast Asia, Cuba, Africa and Latin America. Germany and Japan were occupied countries, which were to be eternally blamed and punished for the War, which was incited by the Jews worldwide. In 1933, international Jewry declared war on Germany and proceeded to make it the ogre nation of the world, even though, since 1917, Russia had been liquidating and imprisoning innocent people in the tens of millions with such cold-blooded cruelty that normal human beings can hardly endure to read accounts of it. The US was more deeply enmeshed in world politics than ever before; increasingly it accepted responsibility for the poverty or financial well-being of all the countries of the world. In collaboration with the United Nations, through such mechanisms as the World Bank and the Agency for International Development (AID), both of which are extensions of the Federal Reserve, the US gained a stranglehold over many governments, as one followed another in accepting a political noose in order to get a low-interest loan.

5. During his presidency, George Bush I pronounced that the US would not allow Iraq to invade Kuwait. And in the same speech he proclaimed that American foreign policy henceforth would tend toward the establishment of a “New World Order,” and that the US had anointed itself as the world’s peace keeper, and would not stand by while one country invaded another.

During his “reign,” something else occurred which was communicated to a selected audience, even though it was to be suffered by all mankind. On March 29, 1991, George Bush I announced Executive Law 102-14: henceforth this country would be governed by the ancient Talmudic Noahide Laws. This meant that the US would identify itself in every way with the gangster state of Israel, and would conduct its affairs similarly. Translated, this meant that in all things, the Jews would be given the first consideration. Everything possible would be done for the good of the Jews, especially the Jews of Israel, and nothing done against them would be tolerated. Zionist Jews could do not wrong, and they were expected to do whatever they deemed necessary against any and all who opposed them. No fault could ever be found with them, and no one would be allowed to find fault with them. The government of America, like the government of Israel, would be subject to no scrutiny by any earthly power. All this was by divine ordination.

In its conduct of the First Iraqi War and its aftermath, those whom the two governments regarded as its enemies and the rest of the world were given a demonstration as to how the Noahide Laws would henceforth be applied. After the “War,” a “war” which was so uneven between its contenders that it could not properly be called anything more than an “operation” (as in “Operation Desert Storm), or a “maneuver.” In reality, it was a pitiless massacre. American airmen (who are well-instructed that morality does not enter into military actions) strafed and bombed tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers returning to their homeland after the surrender. All this was shown with emotionless commentary by the ever-accommodating, omnipresent CNN.

During the years that followed, the US government, while it was taking Iraq’s oil in punishment for the War, imposed an embargo upon the prostrate country besides. The result was that further tens of thousands died for want of food and medicine. The Jewish media informed the people of the world of this atrocity, but neither the UN nor the so-called Christian churches nor the American legislature uttered a peep of indignation or objection.

6. With the “9/11 Event,” the true face of Noahide America has been shown to the world. There has not been the slightest concern for justice, decency, or the most basic humanity. Within a few days of the WTC implosion, which clearly was an event which was caused to justify its response, the US named as its enemy the El Quaeda of Afghanistan. A few weeks later, the chief culprit was Saddam Hussein and Iraq. For evidence to justify its military retributions, which bid fair to continue into the next decade, the US presented less evidence than is necessary to convict some one of a petty misdemeanor. Since then, America has caused the death and maiming of countless thousands of people, who are all utterly defenseless against its terrible, destructive weaponry. Without evidence, it has arrested individuals in the hundreds and subjected them to years of imprisonment and torture. The world media report the criminal arrogance of imperial America; the United Nations bears witness to it in its “deliberations;” but no one says and no one does anything to oppose or stop it, with the single noteworthy exception of the Vatican. To his credit, Pope Benedict XVI has spoken against this whole criminal business. The Senate and Congress have shown by now that the American Legislature, in concert with the Executive Branch, is nothing more than a Masonic Brotherhood, which is interested in nothing except the entrenchment of domestic socialism and the expansion of American power.

7. Within the last three weeks, the pitiless face of Israel has reappeared in the news. On the most specious pretext, Israel has unleashed its dreadful firepower against Lebanon, paid for and supplied by the US, Germany, England, France, and other countries, over which Zionist Jews hold sway. As we view the chain of events, we bear in mind that Israel can do no wrong, is subject to no moral retribution whatsoever, and has no concept of guilt.

Woe to those who imagine that they are in no way involved in this terrible scenario. Woe to those who have no historical memory. No sooner did the “9/11 Event” occur than from nowhere appeared the so-called Patriot Act. Since then, the Congress and Senate have passed Patriot Act II. Let neither the hypocrisy nor the threat of these laws escape anyone, because they inform us that the protections of the Bill of Rights was discarded with the installation of the Noahide Laws. What they are doing to the Iraqis and the Lebanese, they are prepared to do to you. The horror of the Soviet Empire, which defies all description and imagination, is what they have in mind for you and your children. Just as the Soviets and Chinese Communists amassed armies of hundreds of thousands to gather evidence of the least independent thought on the part of its citizens, so the American government is using state-of-the-art technology to compile data on ordinary people like you and me, on the excuse that it is looking for “terrorists,” a term which now refers to anyone who falls within their categories: “conservatives,” right to life advocates, Second Amendment enthusiasts, Traditionalist Catholics, Close the Borders advocates, and who knows what others?

When the government or the President or news commentators speak of terrorism they become more and more incomprehensible. We must say that anyone who cannot recognize the unreasonableness of the official logic is a pitiful fool, no matter how well-educated he is. The official government line has it that throughout the world there are individuals, organizations, and whole nations, who hate the US because of our “democratic way of life,” and/or our affluent lifestyle. Such people are willing to commit suicide in order to “take a few of us with them,” so bitter is their resentment.

The typical American seems to believe this line, surely the typical enlistee does. Why these people feel compelled to sacrifice themselves to kill Americans and not Canadians or Brazilians or Swiss is not explained.

The real reason why millions of Arabs hate America is that America continues to find pretexts to invade and kill and steal and subjugate, as it is now doing in Iraq. In addition, America continues to underwrite and protect and justify the hateful and hated intrigant in the Near East, which has been the source of untold misery and injustice since the end of World War II. Zionist Jews from Russia, Poland, and Germany began their invasion during the Second World War. The US with all its military superiority and bottomless treasury has protected and financed and condoned Israel from the beginning, regardless of its ruthlessness and injustice, which have meant the deaths of tens of thousands, the appropriations of their homes and property, and the most brutal retribution upon anyone who opposed them in any way. The US is genuinely and rightly hated by the people of the Near East, by Muslims the world over, because it has condoned all its crimes for sixty years and more. It has consistently portrayed the conflicts in the New East as bilateral, as the stubborn inhospitality to Jews who have a legitimate claim to Palestine, because the Bible says they do, and world opinion has recognized their claim.

The Zionist Israelis came to Palestine, claiming to be returning home to “their land.” (The theme song of the propaganda film, “Exodus,” intoned: “This land is my land; God gave this land to me,” regardless of the several million Palestinians who had made their homes there for centuries; and regardless of the fact that the Jews were neither Palestinians nor Semites, but Khazars, whose ancestors were Turko-Mongolians who hailed from south central Russia, and had no historical nor ethnic connection with Palestine, nor the Middle East whatsoever.

When the Zionist Jews began to immigrate into Palestine, from the start they claimed sovereignty over all the land they stole. This conquest happened because the Jews were merciless and the Palestinians were without defense. Jews in the United Nations and Western governments allowed the terrible rapine and spoliation to take place. For decades, Zionists from various parts of the world drew the map of their “state” at their international conferences and announced to the world what they would take from the native Palestinians. These they killed, plundered, and drove into the desert. From then till now, the invading Jews have spoken as if the righteousness of their cause were not a subject of question or discussion, and that everyone within the borders of their “state,” was there by their allowance, but without rights or claims; only Jews had rights, only Jews could vote, which is why they called it a “democracy.” All this was done while the United Nations, with Israel as one of its members, was fulfilling its charter to protect all peoples and honoring the rights of all nations. In Palestine, the UN arranged for the importation of millions of tons of food for the dispossessed population, who had been driven into the Arabian Desert, where now this expatriated people is in its third generation of despoiled existence.

During all these years, the US has been Israel’s provider and protector. Billions of US tax dollars have been given to this tiny, malevolent State as its darling, untouchable ally, along with the very best America has had of everything: the best and latest weaponry, the best warplanes, the best technology, the best military training, and most highly classified and latest intelligence. Literally anything and everything the US government could do for Israel, it has done, at no cost, even while the Jews swelled their coffers further by selling American secrets to other nations.

The US has allowed the Mossad, one of Israel’s intelligence branches (which is nothing but a murderous, criminal gang) to operate freely within its borders, even to kidnap American citizens out of this country for trial in Israel, for crimes which were supposed to have been committed before Israel existed. The American government is heavily infiltrated with Zionist Jews, so that it is at the complete service of Israel. The direct involvement of the Mossad in the assassination of John F. Kennedy has been well proven by Michael Collins Piper (Final Judgment). The evidence of the involvement of the Mossad in the World Trade Center massacre mounts as time goes by. So closely are the secret purposes of the American government aligned with those of Israel, that it is impossible to tell whether the thousands of Jewish bureaucrats work primarily for America or for Israel.
