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Geneva Initiative Today, December 3, 2003

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ertainly many of the planners of this new peace plan truly mean well and are people of compassion. They are interested in giving restitution to the Arab people for the injustices incurred upon them. Maybe, they even think that they are satisfying the demands of the Palestinian people. BUT. the technicality that they are side stepping G-d and His Torah, doesn't seem to bother them in the least. Therefore, we as Torah Loyal Jews would like to remind the press and G-d fearing people around the world what G-d commands us as Jews in regard to statehood, the Middle East, and exile in general. And to unequivocally state that one who is not bound by God and the laws of his Torah cannot and does not represent Judaism or the Jewish people.

(Truthfully stated, such an individual is not worthy of carrying the name of Judaism.) Since the time when G-d sent the Jewish people into exile, we were expressly forbidden to have our own entity, state, etc. In fact at the time of the destruction of the temple, G-d put the Jewish people under three oaths (Talmud tractate ketuboth, page 111a): 1. That we should not rebel against the nations; 2. That we should not go up en masse to the land of Israel; 3. And that we should not try to bring about the end of exile through any means;

Transgressing these oaths that G-d put the Jewish people under would bring about tragic results. Without any ambiguity, G-d has warned the Jewish people profusely in the books of the Prophets, in the Talmud, etc., that rejecting these oaths will cause bloodshed and suffering (as we unfortunately see today). These oaths of exile, is regardless to whether the land in question is populated or barren. In our case, where the land the Zionists decided to occupy was land belonging to a people, and to usurp the land from them, to oppress and subjugate them etc. is another cardinal sin against G-d, against the teachings of the Torah and against the whole concept of the Jewish people as a people of compassion, who are to emulate G-d.

The result is unfortunately tragic and catastrophic. Being that this ongoing present terrible situation (close to 100 years) is a result of transgressing the above oaths and commandments of G-d; therefore the only way to end the suffering is to repent. Repentance means to return to and accept our exilic existence and to return the Holy land in full to the Palestinians.

We are coming here to merely state the truth of the Torah, that the Jewish people never aspired and do not aspire to have their own entity or any political existence. In fact, our will is simply to follow the Torah, to be a people of the book, and be loyal to the countries wherein we reside as is required by G-d. Repentance, acceptance of the teachings of the Torah, return of the land in full, and the complete dismantlement and transformation of the entire "state of Israel" to a land belonging to the rule of the indigenous Palestinian people, is the only G-dly solution, and the only solution that can truly bring peace.

As the Torah states: "Why are you transgressing the words of G-d? It will not be successful." When this transformation transpires (and since this is the will of G-d, it will ultimately come to pass but our prayers and hopes are that this should happen peacefully and speedily) then the Jewish people can once again live in peace and harmony with their Palestinian cousins as they have co-existed before the advent of Zionism. And just as Jews reside throughout the world under the rule of their host nation and as we have been doing for close to two thousand years, so we want to continue doing. Ultimately our yearnings and prayers are for the day when G-d deems the time proper and He Himself, without a human being lifting a finger or uttering a word, will end the exile by revealing His glory to the whole world. At that time "the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d", "the wolf with rest with the sheep", "the swords will be beaten into plowshares" and all mankind will serve Him together in peace and harmony. For more information contact Neturei Karta International, Monsey, NY 914-262-8342,
